Example sentences of "[noun] believe [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Of these animals , water-pigs are those most highly charged with mystical power ; they wallow in water , which the Lele believe to be the place of spirits , so the association is plain .
2 Richard Wollenberg , chairman of Cardiff Properties , informed ACCOUNTANCY that the assured tenancy companies at present run by Cardiff Properties adopt what the directors believe to be the correct policy — to value the properties on a current open market basis with vacant possession .
3 Of particular importance if correct is the discovery of what the researchers believe to be the Saksunarvatn volcanic ash in southern North Sea cores and , by German workers , in lake sediments in north Germany .
4 They oppose the proposed changes for political reasons , believing that they form part of the task the prime minister , Michel Rocard , has set himself to reform public sector industry — reforms that many to the left of Mr Rocard believe to be inherently unsocialist .
5 Farmers will be compelled to preserve hedgerows which local authorities believe to be of landscape , conservation or historical value .
6 There is a world of difference between ham that has been sliced from the bone or cut from a joint on a machine and the pre-packaged wet and tasteless substance that so many people believe to be ham .
7 At the same time , using Todorov 's distinction , it does seem possible in relation to television narrative genres or subgenres to identify classical tendencies which depend — in the last instance — on conformity to rules and conventions for their verisimilitude , and to distinguish them from naturalist tendencies whose verisimilitude makes claims to be grounded in social reality — or at least claims to represent what people believe to be true .
8 On US television , it may be the crime series subgenre which comes closest to naturalist verisimilitude , and certainly the eighties generation of Hill Street Blues and Cagney and Lacey ( 1981–8 ) seemed to resemble more closely what people believe to be true than the more apparently formulaic structures of Kojak ( 1973–7 ) , Starksy and Hutch ( 1975–80 ) and Charlie 's Angels ( 1976–81 ) or the more obviously cinematic forms of Dragnet ( 1951–8 ) .
9 Generic convention , that is , gives up its claim to refer to a world outside television , or to ‘ what people believe to be true ’ , and internalizes its play .
10 What many people believe to be stimulation is actually a loss of inhibition that normally controls their social behaviour .
11 Although the SSL continues to receive legal deposit material and some foreign periodicals on exchange via the Royal Society of Edinburgh , funding for purchases is still not at the level which the Trustees believe to be necessary for a major national scientific and business information resource .
12 But it does mean that , faced with options ranging from what is merely arguably right to what the auditors believe to be best , their critics are convinced that auditors will in practice settle for the arguably right if that is what the directors prefer .
13 Prisons , particularly long-term high-security prisons , are not made easier to manage if they contain prisoners passionately proclaiming their innocence and who fellow prisoners and staff believe to be innocent .
14 What does the Secretary of State believe to be the Russian assessment of our Trident programme and , indeed , their assessment of British public opinion on the subject ?
15 The first is to draw attention to what I and others believe to be clear injustices in the way in which he was treated before his death and the second is to expose the fact that the injustices faced by Mr. Docherty affect many others in similar circumstances , and are a direct consequence of Government policy .
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