Example sentences of "[noun] held [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Next , in the leading case of Air Canada v. British Columbia , 59 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 161 , the question arose whether money in the form of taxes paid under a statute held to be ultra vires was recoverable .
2 It is this concept which ISS held to be fundamental to increasing the commitment and achievement of pupils who now underachieve , especially many working-class pupils .
3 During the hearings the government had published , through the high commission , a series of press advertisements relating to the case which Jeyaretnam held to be defamatory .
4 Ltd. v. The Irish Land Commission ( Case 182/83 ) [ 1984 ] E.C.R. 3677 , in which the court held to be compatible with article 52 a requirement to reside in Irish territory which was imposed on nationals of other member states , is not relevant .
5 It must , moreover , be noted that the only requirement which the court held to be justified under the quota system in Ex parte Jaderow Ltd. concerned precisely the operations of the vessels .
6 He could also reduce the solemn to the apparently trivial ( ‘ nothing in this life is wholly serious ’ ) , lending often to his ordinary conversation , as to his poetry , that element of surprise which Elgar Allan Poe held to be an essential ingredient of art itself .
7 The financial crisis which brought down the Labour government caused a rapid increase in the cost of unemployment assistance , an increase which pre-Keynesian economic theory held to be highly undesirable .
8 In turn , those values are partly constitutive of the form of life held to be valuable by the adherents of the discipline .
9 Yet feminists who made women 's right to enter the public sphere a priority never really addressed the issue of women 's role as wives and mothers , which late nineteenth-century doctors and scientists held to be the chief and necessary constraint on women 's achievements .
10 Hence , the great divide between music perceived to be ‘ authentic ’ and music held to be ‘ manufactured ’ .
11 This principle has been applied , and the money held to be recoverable , in cases where the sanction has amounted to duress of the person of the subject or of his goods .
12 The Arrangements document suggests that the concepts which will be studied in the Short Courses will be ones which ‘ contribute to beliefs and values held to be fundamental to our society .
13 On the other hand , from the point of view of sociological knowledge , even the most certain adequacy on the level of meaning signifies an acceptable causal proposition only to the extent that evidence can be produced that there is a probability … that the action in question really takes the course held to be meaningfully adequate .
14 Whether ‘ the action in question really takes the course held to be meaningfully adequate ’ depends on assigning a high probability , which in turn depends on appealing to a well-established generalization .
15 The fact that the form is exhausted , however , has not prevented those novelists held to be of a satirical bent from making squillions of pounds : Tom Sharpe , Clive James and Keith Waterhouse ( above ) all shift paperbacks like nobody 's business , and good luck to them .
16 In his first policy statement as President , Nujoma on March 21 promised to redress the distortions of the apartheid economy , and appeared to assuage fears of the white minority and potential Western aid donors by rejecting the idea of large-scale nationalization , which SWAPO had for a long time held to be a cornerstone of its Marxist ideology .
17 If the principle does not comprehend such payments , as the majority of the Court of Appeal held to be the case , then there are other situations covered by the provisions which would also be within the ambit of the Woolwich principle .
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