Example sentences of "[noun] students who have " in BNC.

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1 The prizes are awarded every year to undergraduate students who have demonstrated original thinking in their approach to developing designs , project management and presentation .
2 His successor , Yuri Andropov , who died after only 15 months in office , initiated a national debate on reform , though still in guarded terms ( today 's undergraduate students who have become accustomed to Gorbachev 's candour can hardly make sense of an Andropov speech — yet at the time his pronouncements seemed rich in fresh insights ) .
3 There will be around in the room when they 're doing this any six research students who have experience with the equipment , and a lecturer , and the school teacher who was involved in planning that day 's work .
4 MTh students who have no previous knowledge of Hebrew do a special one-year course which brings them up to the level necessary for research in Old Testament Studies .
5 Also in December it was reported that secret trials of Beijing students who had participated in the protests had begun .
6 In Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs the plaintiffs were Scientology students who had been given a limited leave to enter the country .
7 This may prove liberating for many female art students who have felt isolated and marginalised within the notoriously male dominated space of the fine art department .
8 They arrived with a group of Wirral students who had been undertaking work experience in France .
9 Yates and Davies ( 1987 ) report that only 45% of former Access students who had entered higher education courses in science , technology and engineering were progressing satisfactorily , while Osborne and Woodrow ( 1989 ) in their study of mathematics , science and technology Access courses report success rates of between 56% and 78% for students who had entered higher education .
10 However the limited numbers of Access students who had completed higher education courses makes it difficult to draw any strong generalisable conclusions .
11 The Race Relations Committee is currently very concerned at the number of ethnic minority students who have passed the Vocational Course and who have been unable to find pupillage for 1992–3 .
12 A good illustration of the difference between the two types of thought is given by the two National Diploma students who had analysed what they wanted from a job when they had finished at college .
13 In addition , two female science students who had attended girls ' grammar schools felt that they had been disadvantaged :
14 This chapter is concerned with the immediate post-course destinations of the 624 IT Advanced Course students who had returned questionnaires to [ MS by early November 1984 .
15 It 's a blow to University students who 've had to cancel performances they 've worked hard to produce .
16 Every time I wonder about going to join George and to use my TEFL qualification , I wonder how I would REALLY do teaching English to people , though I guess I have had quite a lot of ad hoc and ungrammatical ( ! ) experience with the various language students who have stayed here .
17 It is not just overseas graduate students who have problems .
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