Example sentences of "[noun] over a year " in BNC.

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1 In his letter to Mrs Paleschi over a year ago , Niazy said : ‘ Just get the embassy to come and visit me and everything will be solved , if God wishes .
2 Winning the world championship is one of the main ambitions of the season , but being No 1 is more important to me ; it shows a player for his performances over a year , as opposed to two weeks . ’
3 They note that for a deviation Δ of 10 -11 the accumulated effect over a year would only amount to a relative velocity of 1 µm s -1 towards the Sun !
4 She and her family had been in the States over a year now , and had moved from Boston to New York .
5 For someone who is only moderately active , that could mean a 7- or 8 lb ( 3- or 3.5-kg ) increase in weight over a year .
6 Constance had n't seen her mother since her last visit to England over a year ago .
7 The man was responsible for two rapes and at least five other sexual assaults over a year ago .
8 Although the young man and Mrs H. denied rectal intercourse , it is probable that this was the site that had served as a source of the infection , which had presumably originated with her husband over a year previously .
9 ( In an extreme case we might have a fairly constant number of 0-year-old children ( say 5000 ) in some population , yet averaging 100 deaths each week in the 0–1 age group , so that the ratio of deaths to mean population over a year exceeds 1.01 ) .
10 It may lead us to compare the relative increase in costs over a year , believing that we were comparing like with like .
11 Not only was I unable to be certain of Miss Kenton 's desire to rejoin the staff here , I had not , of course , even discussed the question of additional staff with Mr Farraday since that first preliminary meeting over a year ago .
12 This is a new sales approach , designed to support the industry 's desire to link information technology and business objectives to gain the competitive edge : if a customer wants to increase market share by say 5% over a year , Customer Systems might , for example , agree to take a certain fee up front , and then link subsequent earnings to the achievement of the customer 's business aim .
13 Channel 7 , the telephone and Viewdata listing company which angered accountants over a year ago ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November 1990 , p 13 and March 1991 , p 11 ) is still in operation and , according to a recent complaint , is using the names of the Institute and major firms to persuade other accountants to sign up .
14 Quirinus is lord there and he knows me , for it is with he and his Myrcans that I took up service over a year ago .
15 I bought a long yearned for Gimson and Slater leather suite at an outrageous cost of £600 which I paid unfailingly each month over a year .
16 — We 've been living in this flat over a year Duncan .
17 Boots says a supply of alkaline batteries for a personal stereo used for four hours a day , five days a week over a year will cost about £90 , while rechargeable batteries and a charger cost from £18 to £27 ( from selected branches of Boots ) .
18 The first branch to ‘ go live ’ was Maidstone over a year ago , and the PSIONS are now well and truly part of the technicians ' armoury for pest prevention .
19 The electronic mouse detector system introduced by Rentokil over a year ago has now received full patent protection [ no 2,179481 ] and several companies have installed the system in order to protect their businesses with the best possible ‘ early warning system ’ , yet without chemical rodenticides .
20 I 'm not irresponsible , thirty twelve-year-olds over a year
21 This group of people was recognised by the meeting in Tokyo over a year ago , and this is an issue that many people — both my friends and strangers that I come across in collecting or canvassing for Amnesty — ask me about .
22 Brian Wynn had hoped retirement would bring a life of leisurely art studies … but the former Cheltenham Town Clerk finds he 's still in the middle of local ; government controversy over a year after vacating his position .
23 Patrick had fallen off a ladder over a year and a half ago and had been off work for much of that time .
24 The ticket office , which has been branded an eyesore , was opened as a temporary measure over a year ago in preparation for the station 's £1m refurbishment .
25 This is hard to quantify in the abstract and will depend on the demands and the receptiveness of the individual schools , but it could add up to hundreds of hours and dozens of activities over a year .
26 This is hard to quantify in the abstract and will depend on the demands and the receptiveness of the individual schools , but it could add up to hundreds of hours and dozens of activities over a year .
27 It is quite possible for a company to show a trading profit on its normal operations over a year and to cap this by receiving an enquiry for its most profitable product many times greater than any previous order .
28 It is quite possible for a company to show a trading profit on its normal operations over a year and to cap this by receiving an enquiry for its most profitable product many times greater than any previous order .
29 IBM claims that revenues in its Advanced Workstations and AIX Systems unit grew in the first quarter by more than 50% over a year ago : director Tom Jarosh said demand for the system is ‘ growing rapidly , with customer shipments in the US up 90% ’ over a year ago ; the unit covers workstations and servers , AIX/6000 operating system and related software .
30 IBM Corp claimed yesterday that revenues in its Advanced Workstations and AIX Systems unit grew in the first quarter by more than 50% over a year ago : director Tom Jarosh said demand for the system is ‘ growing rapidly , with customer shipments in the US up 90% ’ over a year ago ; the unit covers workstations and servers , AIX/6000 operating system and related software .
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