Example sentences of "[noun] make [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 At the start of the session the tutor 's notes make clear that directing extends beyond enforcing the conditions of attendance :
2 If your audience includes members who speak different languages or hold different religious views make sure that they can enjoy the quotations too and feel that you are addressing them as well as appreciate their point of view .
3 Before you begin your closer reading of the text make sure that you consult the preliminary sections which follow the contents-pages but precede the main body of the book .
4 When you connect the ribbon data cable make sure that the drive you wish to be the A : drive ( or the only drive if you have a single drive configuration ) is connected after the twist in the cable .
5 By hook or by crook make sure that two members of staff make visits during the working day .
6 Under the heading ’ Protecting the Environment , the Worker and the Public ’ , the minutes state : ’ The Single European Act and the Fourth Environmental Action Programme make clear that the environment is an integral part of the Community 's economic , social , industrial , agricultural and other policies .
7 When you 're preparing for the interview make sure that you test yourself and have good answers to basic questions like :
8 If you intend using an OHP make sure that the screen can be clearly seen by all .
9 If you do n't know the frequency of services and current fares make sure that this information is easily available .
10 Before deleting a file make sure that it is no longer required .
11 If there is any chance of " doorstepping " or having a microphone pushed under their noses as they are leaving a meeting make sure that they know this might happen .
12 EVERY NIGHT make sure that fires and heaters switched off , ashtrays safely emptied and furniture checked for discarded cigarettes
13 The Regulations make clear that these sections do not apply to any private companies , whether limited by shares or guarantee .
14 Will my hon. Friend make sure that close co-operation with the politicians in the south , whoever they may be , remains the keystone of the Government 's security policy ?
15 Will my hon. Friend make sure that he or his officials contact the office of Commissioner Millan today and demand that the money be freed so that it can be well spent in areas such as the one that I represent ?
16 Before undertaking any such flight make sure that your aircraft is properly equipped with de-icing equipment .
17 Superb VGA graphics make sure that this flight sim is unmissable .
18 Instead of simply taking individual credit , change masters make sure that everyone who works on their effort gets rewarded .
19 In view of that , will the Home Secretary make sure that he examines the evidence as rapidly as possible ?
20 tried to do joined writing , apparently we are supposed to do that as teachers , actually said got ta put their primary on primary education , it says sit down and write a poem in joined up writing and look at your own writing and before you try to teach it to children make sure that you know
21 Under stage E make sure that you record the correct order in ink .
22 Once you have chosen your bureau make sure that they know everything about your system and the way that documents will be presented .
23 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
24 ‘ If you have a piece of land or a farm make sure that you are a very good shepherd , ’ he advised .
25 6 For location shots make sure that the team have every facility on site and go with them to smooth the way .
26 The Balinese make sure that the traditions they are so proud of will never be lost .
27 So how do Trading Standards make sure that people are n't selling fireworks to those under age ?
28 When planning screens make sure that all areas will still be readily accessible , not only so you can enjoy the whole garden but also to make planting and maintenance easier .
29 The surviving building accounts and his own drawings make clear that he was responsible for the execution and design of this remarkable house between 1580 and 1588 .
30 So when you actually are putting it on your own face make sure that you rub your fingers all around , especially around the nose .
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