Example sentences of "[noun] makes [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Leapor 's poetry makes clear that she suffered many distressing lectures from her father , yet if the poet and her father had reached an understanding , indeed , if they intended to use the money from the subscription to buy their freehold and have security for their life together , Landry 's interpretation of this episode is simply captious .
2 The circular makes clear that a decision to implement the contingency plans would be ‘ subject to collective ministerial authority ’ .
3 Line B makes clear that the perspective upon the nations and their significance in comparison with God ( , line A ) is God 's own .
4 Yet the folder of poems makes clear that there was a group of women poets associated with Weston Hall .
5 The opinion makes clear that it also applies to ‘ defined-contribution ’ schemes , in which an employee makes payments into the scheme and gets a pension reflecting the returns on his or her cash .
6 The announcement makes clear that the newspaper group is moving towards a seven-day-a-week operation .
7 The soap I use is shared by the whole family , so my wife makes sure that it 's that pure white , unperfumed stuff for sensitive skin .
8 P.S. As I 've shown , SCF makes sure that your donation works as hard as possible for the children that need it most .
9 But the white paper makes clear that expanding its market will depend on success by the Scottish generators in exporting power to England , Wales and Northern Ireland .
10 The present definition makes clear that the cause of damage must be ‘ mechanical or electrical defects in the plant ’ .
11 At the same time the keyboard conductor makes sure that the electrostatic charge that builds up inside you also has somewhere else to go .
12 But the Approved Code makes clear that the level of detail in the risk assessment and therefore the effort required , should be determined by the risks .
13 The investments required are obviously large , but the strategy makes clear that the choice of whether to invest , as well as the amount and source of the investment , is a local one .
14 The review quoted by H Humphreys and D Greenwood makes clear that this type of regimen has mostly been studied in infections that generally respond well to treatment and not in patients with complicated illnesses ( in particular , renal disease ) and that its use is currently limited .
15 For all its deficiencies , the 1988 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) survey of disability in Britain makes clear that an overwhelming feature of the disabled state is poverty ( Abberley , 1991 ) .
16 This clause makes clear that we will not pay for the cost of replacing any undamaged item or parts of items forming part of a set or suite when damage occurs within a clearly identifiable area or to a specific part .
17 Although Landry makes clear that the shoe does not always fit , this sort of approach , as suggested above , is dangerous in that it shapes what a scholar is willing to see .
18 Although the Committee 's terms of reference excluded manual records , its Report makes clear that it could not justify on grounds of logic or justice the exclusion of manual records from any data protection legislation based upon general data protection principles .
19 In fact , the Report makes clear that it aims at much more .
20 Matthew in his version makes clear that this was no mistaken identification .
21 The statement makes clear that sanctions will be used only in the last resort .
22 Also , the system makes clear that the designer is acting strictly for the client .
23 Putting the question this way makes clear that a justification in terms of wealth relies on a trade-off : corporate decision-making power should be accepted as the price of efficient wealth creation .
24 The situation is that Gaius Seius becomes heir to a half , and Mucius and Maevius to the other half : the logic of the problem makes clear that they are substitutes ( both pupillary and vulgar ) for the half originally destined for the children ; and since Gaius Seius has not been disinherited his entitlement still stands , as the text confirms .
25 The Profitboss makes sure that he finds time for them all , never espousing twelve-hour working days as a routine .
26 The story of his binding makes clear that he remains so , and that he must be accepted as such .
27 Such materials are however not part of the plant as defined in the policy exception makes clear that damage to such materials is not covered .
28 Hockey Atkins makes sure that Cambridge miss out .
29 The cover is usually only granted on portable/mobile plant and the wording makes clear that General Exception 2 relating to fire , theft , etc. does not apply to this cover .
30 Social Trends makes clear that much of the recent increase in cars on the road is not due to more families buying a car .
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