Example sentences of "[noun] turned [adv prt] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes turned up so that only the whites were left and he made an ugly sound deep in his throat , then he went forward , full-face on to the ground .
2 His mouth turned up lazily .
3 Barrymore turned round quickly , surprise and horror on his face .
4 Edward turned up late for their rendezvous , and found Foley standing at the bar with a much younger man who had a long , intelligent face and a quiet manner , whom he introduced as Harold Philby , known as Kim .
5 A couple of years ago , it seemed that the number of UK robot companies was about to mushroom , but the optimism turned out not to be justified .
6 By the middle and later 1960s , however , this ‘ Cisalpine ’ theological agenda was being overtaken by a more evidently twentieth-century one : modern biblical scholarship turned out not to have stopped with Westcott and Lightfoot nor even with Dodd , but seemed much more a matter of swallowing Bultmann and Nineham ; ecumenical theology now led one less to Luther and Calvin or even Barth than to the vapid profundities of Tillich , Bishop Robinson 's Honest to God and beyond .
7 McMahon , like his player-manager , Peter Reid , is a born winner , however , and the recent £900,000 signing from Anfield turned in probably his best performance for his new club .
8 The fabric turned out very even , including around the edge of the motif .
9 ‘ I forgot to ask you if your car turned up all right .
10 He slipped his arm protectively round Agnes Dooley 's shoulder as the carriage dipped and the leading compartment turned through almost a complete right angle .
11 So the contradiction identified by Castells turned out much less problematic and insoluble than imagined .
12 This cars turned round even to go out the bottom of there 's been an accident oh .
13 ‘ We needed a large amount of seismic data turned round very fast , ’ says Keith Nunn , manager , Seismic Quality , XFI .
14 The contest turned out more like a flyweight taking on a cruiserweight , with the referee on the cruiser 's side .
15 Perhaps the articles turned out badly because his heart was n't really in that kind of parish pump , chatty writing .
16 The engine turned over slowly .
17 Hundreds of car enthusiasts turned up today for the South Lincolnshire Motor Show .
18 Had Red Reg turned up here , one felt certain they would have set the whole menagerie on him .
19 Ruth turned back quickly ; she knew that the Kleibers ' baby was overdue .
20 She put out a hand and touched the nearest arm , and the driver turned round quickly .
21 Three o'clock , you say , Lewis , when Kemp turned up again in Oxford ? ’
22 Isabel turned around slowly .
23 On March 17 marching crowds turned out again , this time to mark the anniversary of the death , allegedly under torture , of a student leader , Abdoul Karim Camara , in 1980 [ see p. 30560 ] .
24 For months afterwards copies of forms turned up all over the Manchester office .
25 The back leg is locked straight , with the back foot pointing forward and the front foot turned in slightly .
26 Broadman turned round angrily .
27 The German turned round obediently and the orderly followed him down the wire .
28 I looked up the authentic sources ; the Comte de Horne turned out not to be an illegitimate son of Louis XV ; the marriage had been consummated and he had died of indigestion .
29 Cameron turned back up the Tay , glad that the harvest of names was nearly home .
30 He received an immediate apology , but a few weeks later the picture turned up again — this time accompanying a feature on prostitution in Paris .
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