Example sentences of "[noun] change [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But even a single base change in the germ line DNA can cause gross visible effects , because the changed DNA molecule is replicated , and its effects are further amplified during the decoding process .
2 The study was intended to evaluate the extent to which the graduated tests are compatible with the Cockcroft recommendations and how effective they are in generating curriculum change without the use of the SMP G materials .
3 However , in this latter , the arts remained essentially unchanged with singing and drawing remaining the arts curriculum diet of pupils , whereas the opportunity was taken to advance curriculum change by the inclusion of science in the Code ( Gordon and Lawton , 1978 ; Dent , 1982 ) .
4 Such were the internal pressures for curriculum change in the ‘ sixties and they were very important .
5 Subtitled How The World Will Change In The Depression Of The 1990s , its central hypothesis is that we are headed for a major depression , that deflation will return , that property prices will collapse by two-thirds , that Islam will pour into the power vacuum left by communism , that taxes will soar , that many major corporations will cease to exist , that anyone wealthy enough will flee big cities and away from the gangs controlling them , that countries like India , Canada , South Africa and Israel will fall to bits , that there will be plagues of locusts and frogs and that firstborn sons ought to head for the hills while they 've got the chance .
6 The third edition , to be published in 1991 contains much that is new or refined from the second , but it is written wholly within the plate tectonic theoretical framework , and reveals no paradigm change from the second edition .
7 Today some analysts ( Frisby 1985 ; see Chapter Five above ) are beginning to suggest that the place to look for formative conditions of paradigm change in the human sciences is instead in the aesthetic sphere .
8 In the analysis of shorelines and chronological stages many studies first followed Baulig ( 1935 ) and other workers , including Deperet working on Mediterranean shorelines , and then were influenced by the masterly synthesis achieved by Fairbridge 1961 and by Zeuner 's ( 1959 ) consolidated view of sea level change in the Quaternary .
9 They found that there were no significant differences between the signs in the frequency with which they elicited some speed change from the driver ( in the Johansson and Rumar study there were very considerable differences in memory performance depending on the sign used ) , although the degree of this change was related to the information on the sign .
10 He had seen the whole pattern of crime change in the Oswaldston area in the course of his career : crimes that grew out of hunger and desperation had given way to crimes that grew out of affluence , greed , imitation and boredom .
11 With Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa established as the standard-bearer of the Democratic Party 's liberal wing in the nomination race , Clinton 's strategy , like that of Bob Kerrey , was to present himself as a " new " alternative offering change from the party 's past ( see p. 38427 ) .
12 Calls for a rule change after the death of a champion .
13 After a rule change in the March budget , sales of gilts to banks count towards PSBR financing .
14 Washington 's policy of never negotiating with terrorists suffered a 180 degree change on the way to Manila .
15 Figure 7.3 shows the values of figure 7.2 expressed as percentage change over the period 1961–81 .
16 You then compare your sales performance in the two areas — usually in terms of the percentage change on the previous years — and you have a measure of which campaign is the more successful .
17 It is , therefore , a means of measuring the percentage change in the average level of prices from the base period to the current period .
18 the absolute value of the daily percentage change in the closing prices , ( Rutledge , 1979 ) ;
19 What was the net percentage change in the goblin population over the four years ?
20 This measures the percentage change in the value of the call in response to a given change in the price of the share .
21 As a result any given percentage change in speculative balances will cause a relatively large percentage change in the overall demand for money .
22 In my opinion the best law change alongside the tackle law .
23 In what way did furnishing change during the fifties ?
24 In fact , there was no attitude change in the simple sense , but there was an historical event , which necessitated a re-evaluation of previous positions .
25 Weevils bite holes in the leaves of white clover and of Ranunculus species but the relative severity of attacks on Trifolium and Ranunculus change through the season , Trifolium being more attacked in early , and Ranunculus in late , summer .
26 The clever devil who 'd answered the phone had said private calls after four p.m. , which I guessed would be a shift change for the staff .
27 Although rural populations have traditionally been more fertile than their urban counterparts , by far the most significant factor in rural population change over the last century has been migration .
28 Table 4.3 gives details of population change over the two decades for the twenty counties and Scottish regions which in 1981 had the lowest population densities ( i.e. were the most rural ) .
29 As far as the effects of population change on the economy are concerned , however , the particular disease is of secondary importance .
30 Regional population change in the 1950s and 1960s
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