Example sentences of "[noun] asked i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't see the new dog till it was nearly six months old and its mistress asked me to call to treat it for a slight attack of eczema .
2 Well , Ibrahim asked me to call in at Mohammed Fingari 's to get a package for him .
3 Now , the topic that Sheila asked me to talk about was skin care .
4 ‘ Yer Mum asked me to call in and clear away the crocks and tek the chairs outside ready ter goo back ter the mission 'all . ’
5 Mum asked me to ice his birthday cake while they were out and decorate it with chocolate leaves which I had to make first .
6 But when I returned from military service in 1960 , my employers asked me to represent them south of the border , in that troutless land beyond Mr Hadrian 's Wall known as England .
7 Caduta asked me to come to an address in Little Italy at two o'clock that afternoon .
8 And a few months later the Prince asked me to marry him .
9 And then , realising that his presence needed further explanation , he added , ‘ Jim asked me to keep him company until his sister gets here tomorrow . ’
10 ‘ No , David asked me to go back for coffee but I refused . ’
11 Margaret Jones : ‘ I remember David asked me to get my dressmaker to taper his trousers and before long other members of his form were also getting me to taper their trousers , so I suppose in a way I was almost helping them to rebel against Mr Frampton . ’
12 ‘ Gem swindlers asked me to lie
13 Beatrix asked me to keep her secret .
14 Well I 'll tell you right now I have got another builder on but he 's taken one of the er the slots further down but I 've got one I 've got a prime er the the estate agent asked me to contact you because there is a prime slot left .
15 Last night I was in a furious rage because Edward asked me to go to his home this afternoon , and he would show me some flowers and nests he thought I would like to see .
16 Marie asked me to look after Satan , and I suppose that makes him mine now .
17 She said : Our Blessed Lady asked me to ask you to have a small chapel built here in her honour .
18 ‘ Mr Benedict asked me to give you this , miss , quiet like . ’
19 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to draw your attention to the white lines on Gubberford Lane at the river bridge .
20 At their recent meeting Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to draw your attention to the untidy and overgrown state of the railway embankment on Station Lane , Scorton .
21 At their recent meeting Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to write to you about the following :
22 At their recent meeting Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to write and thank you for allowing the seat from Snowhill to be kept on your property after it had been removed from its base .
23 At their recent meeting the parish council asked me to find out whether the Ramblers ' Association is contemplating appealing against this decision .
24 Duly , when the Conservatives were returned in 1970 , Ted Heath asked me to lead a delegation to see whether we could work out an agreement .
25 When she started flying her parents asked me to keep a watchful eye on her .
26 I used to get frightened at my parents ' house in Wales when the boys from the village asked me to play with them .
27 When the Editor asked me to write this article I happily agreed .
28 ‘ Miss Havisham asked me to send , ’ said Joe , as if trying to remember the exact words , ‘ her — best wishes , was it , Pip ? to Mrs J. Gargery … ‘
29 That evening , Frank asked me to walk in the town with him .
30 ‘ I had ridden Ile de Bourbon for trainer Fulke Johnson Houghton in all of his home gallops and also won on the colt in the King Edward VII stakes at Royal Ascot but when Piggott asked me had the horse made any improvement from then and before the big King George race I had to tell him that I was unaware of it just in case he might want to take over .
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