Example sentences of "[noun] told i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's what the agent told me when I was recruited .
2 Andrew Bergman told me later that when they went out there to make the deal , they felt like the expedition that goes into the jungle to bag King Kong . ’
3 ‘ Before she left , the PM told me how pleased she was that you were so frank .
4 One of his poems had been published , he said , in The New Yorker by Howard Moss , the Poetry Editor , who — though I did not know it until Dana told me later — was a well-known homosexual .
5 Alan says : ’ I was amazed at the advice I received because their Mitchell Philpott told me not to transfer at least for the time being .
6 Quintin Hailsham told me later : ‘ When I first read the report my hair stood on end , and at my age that takes some doing . ’
7 Eleanor told me how she had visited you and your mother a little while ago . ’
8 One leading South African critic told me yesterday : ‘ Jimmy had two poor domestic seasons here prior to the World Cup .
9 Josh told me not to disturb him .
10 Josh told me once , that 's where Tommy went .
11 As Brian Clough told me when I met him on the top of the Little Elm bus earlier this season — we were both going to check out Little Elm Intaflora 's young Dutch forward , Kylie Van Der Graaf — ‘ Sadly , young man , football is like a football . ’
12 Martin Fleischmann told me how over a whiskey in Pons ' kitchen he remarked , ‘ It 's a billion to one chance , shall we do it ? ’ and Pons replied , ‘ Let's have a go . ’
13 Fleischmann told me more about the background to his work with Pons .
14 A Sikh girl from Newham , who had bought some clothes with her own money told me how her family had reacted .
15 But if this was a positive factor to hold on to , the story told me more .
16 Harvey told me how each part of the computer was named after a section of the human brain : the Medulla , Pons and Midbrain .
17 More than one lord lieutenant told me almost apologetically of the number of supplicants who sought his intervention with the democratically-chosen authorities .
18 ‘ I 'm not sure , but Edwin told me once that there was less than a dozen pictures altogether .
19 After my waters broke I had an uncontrollable urge to push but the midwife told me not to .
20 ‘ Well , my Mum told me not to let boys fondle me or kiss me now I 've started me periods , otherwise , if I did , I 'd soon be having a baby . ’
21 Mum told me not to be so silly .
22 Mum told me off !
23 Yet a taxi driver told me recently that more money should be spent on Aids than on dementia because more people would die from it .
24 ‘ My GP told me not to worry and to drink more fluids .
25 Oh , yes , Taggy told me how you have been working your fingers to the bone . ’
26 Alan told me how old they were but I 'm a bit vague about kids , I 'm afraid . ’
27 The council told me just to stay there the weekend .
28 Jennifer Batten told me when I made the typically British talk-about-the-weather opening gambit to our transatlantic ‘ phone conversation .
29 I 'm not sure exactly where they 're stored , but Tiare told me once that her father ’ — that sounded an odd description of Gauguin — ‘ had given her mother instructions on how to protect them .
30 A former Minister of the Republic of Ireland told me recently that sovereignty did not mean the same for the people of Ireland as it did for us .
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