Example sentences of "[noun] known [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dinosaurs did have — and mammals still have — minute channels for blood vessels known as Haversian canals .
2 Her book , ‘ Hands to the Plough ’ added interest to her dynamic speaking as she travelled widely , making the needs and opportunities known to young believers in Canada and the United States .
3 By means of technical methods known as single , double , and triple tonguing extremely rapid but clear staccato production is obtainable , which is most sure and effective when used for the rapid reiteration of a single note , e.g. :
4 Even during our period a great part of agriculture was conducted in ways which would have been quite familiar a hundred , even two hundred years earlier , which was natural since striking results could still be achieved by generalising the best methods known to pre-industrial farming .
5 There are other relationships between subjects known as syntactic relationships which arise from the context of subjects in specific documents — from the syntax .
6 At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted , an effect known as organic overload , allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive .
7 In fact , it is a latter-day version of the figure known in classical rhetoric as prosopopoeia .
8 Today an adolescent is probably as likely as not to belong to a family which is an uneasy mixture of the nuclear set-up and the institution known as serial marriage ( marriage , divorce , remarriage ) .
9 Sufferers of the crippling condition known as Repetitive Strain Injury are furious with a judge for saying there 's no such thing .
10 If a dog has a good appetite but seems to be losing weight , it may be suffering from a condition known as pancreatic insufficiency .
11 Gemma Swann 's one of only 5 children in Britain with a condition known as multiple food intolerance .
12 If the thresholds from logogen system to cognitive system were sometimes or always lower than the thresholds from logogen system to cognitive system , one could then explain subception ( gaining access to the meaning of a word without being able to report the word ) and also semantic errors which occur in the condition known as deep dyslexia in which single printed words are often incorrectly read as semantically related words , e.g. reading storm as thunder .
13 Obviously , if probes in this region were deleted one by one , starting from the probes known as repetitive ( containing ribosomal DNA or belonging to telomeres in this case ) , less of them would be deleted and the overlap would be successfully detected .
14 Choosing one category as a base effectively turns any polytomous variable into a series of dichotomous variables known as dummy variables .
15 Some sort of buzz words known as social facilitation and social inhibition which come from the work of Allport .
16 Scottish pride was given a further boost in the 1470s by the second of the great epics about the Wars of Independence , The Wallace , written by the poet known as Blind Hary .
17 The only branch of academic analysis which , by virtue of its title , might have been thought to represent a candidate for this specific area of study is that sub-section of anthropology known as material culture studies .
18 You can purchase suitable blue filters at lamp or theatrical specialists , and the type known as half-blue is the best for general purposes .
19 There is however a third style of Spanish dance known as Spanish Court dance .
20 These include chips known as read-only memories or ROMs that store preprogrammed data without power but can not be erased , and instantly erasable chips that require constant power , known as random-access memories or RAMs .
21 Chlorinated hydrocarbons , which are some of the most persistent and environmentally damaging of the industrial chemicals , and the industrial organochlorides known as polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) , are particularly soluble in fatty tissues .
22 He is director of the Royal National Theatre , and thus head boy of that dramatic sub-species known to brutish non-Thespians as the ‘ luvvies ’ .
23 Control of the Moscow soviet had been won by the Democratic Russia coalition of radical groups , with 281 of the 468 seats , and in Leningrad a similar grouping known as Democratic Elections " 90 had won 355 of the 400 seats [ see p. 37322 ] .
24 I began to go around following a teenage girl known as Crazy Eneas .
25 Mr Justice Potts told the youth : ‘ When you were 16 you committed one of the most serious offences known to criminal law — you wounded your friend with intent to do him really serious injury . ’
26 This sequence is the beginning of the kata known as Pinan godan .
27 Three further versions known in sixteenth-century copies from Germany combine the three major elements of the tale : the Second Flood , the kissing of the arse ( in all cases the male lover 's arse , not the woman 's ) and the retaliatory branding .
28 The form of farming known as shifting cultivation has gone hand-in-hand with the clearances in New Guinea over , at least , the last 5000 years .
29 A cell adhesion molecule known as neural cadherin ( N-cadherin ) is expressed predominantly in the nervous system , where it is implicated in neuronal migration during development .
30 It 's believed that pollution can form substances in our body known as free radicals which speed up ageing .
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