Example sentences of "[noun] perhaps you [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Well the minutes perhaps you 'll you 'll we will pop that on to our comments and others .
2 Well , as a chemist perhaps you 'll forgive me for dwelling largely on what we as chemists do , but of course it 's not only the chemists in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences who do things for schools — it 's right across the area — but each year , for example , we have a week set aside for sixth form visits , in which parties of sixth formers come to the School and we 're about to talk to them about university entrance , about what goes on in universities , but , most importantly , to show them some of the apparatus which they do n't have at school but which they 've probably heard about .
3 If you are a warm and caring person perhaps you would be interested in training as a LIFE counsellor .
4 One day perhaps you will believe me .
5 If you have any views about ways in which we could help each other in such situations perhaps you 'd like to jot them down for the next newsletter .
6 In 1738 Bartram journeyed to Williamsburg in Virginia with a letter of introduction from Collinson to John Custis : ‘ In the vegetable kingdom perhaps you will find him more knowing in that science than any you have met with .
7 The size of all newsletters depends on the amount of advertising revenue so if you 'd like future newsletters to be this size perhaps you could help by supporting our advertisers .
8 Jody perhaps you could like would like to think , if you want us to listen to your playing this afternoon I would like you to listen to what I have to say this morning please .
9 Councillor perhaps you could erm tell us the cost both spent and anticipated of writing this rather erm new electoral role leaflet that might be coming out if we feel like it ?
10 So er if you 're thinking of becoming a super model if there is anybody out there who 's thinking of becoming a super model perhaps you 'll give me a ring and er and I can break the bad news to you personally .
11 As a continuing ‘ Medau Mover ’ you are obviously enjoying your Medau class/es — may we suggest that to add to that enjoyment perhaps you would like to fill in this form and become a ‘ Member of the Medau Society ’
12 If you live in the Wallingford area and have a railway interest perhaps you might like to join this enthusiastic group and give them a few hours of your time .
13 If there is interest perhaps you could ask him would he mind if we got in touch with him .
14 Another time perhaps you will listen to me when I warn you of the dangerous ground you are treading . ’
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