Example sentences of "[noun] used for making " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Macdonald spoke of the methods used for making the prints , the shading required , the need for softer grades of paper and the treatment needed for cracked negatives .
2 Erm yeah How how is running water used for making electricity ?
3 One facility used for making helicopter blades is now finding new use for producing jointless Wings which have the added benefit of being cheap to import because of the weak state of the Rand .
4 Draw these parts separately on to a piece of strong wrapping paper or thin card , or you can buy a special waxed fabric like the waxed linen our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used for making braid , Irish crochet lace or the genuine fine needlepoint laces .
5 He got grape concentrate , sugar , cooking brandy and a large bottle of bleach and put the mixture into a large saucepan Elinor used for making marmalade .
6 He examined the rack of mouldings used for making frames and seemed interested in the machine for mitreing the angles .
7 Scott and James McCalman said at the time that it was a stone used for making charcoal after the following fashion .
8 Two books of puzzles which will motivate children beginning to learn English to practise a range of language used for making guesses , agreeing and disagreeing , deciding , etc .
9 It is a clay used for making glazed tiles , wash basins and lavatory pans .
10 All slides used for making chromosome preparations should be clean .
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