Example sentences of "[noun] do not seem " in BNC.

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1 And attempts by several African countries , including Zimbabwe , Kenya , Nigeria and South Africa ( would you believe it ? ) to ban sales of these soaps do not seem to have done much to lessen its ' widespread use .
2 Large units do not seem to be deficient in democratic qualities and may even be more democratic in some respects ; 4 .
3 The residents and traders do not seem overly worried about indiscriminate parking they seem to regard it as an advantage which the town has over others .
4 One can speculate why , with so much in common , Greeks and Jews do not seem to have spoken to each other .
5 People who are used to stock market investment do not seem concerned about risk and those who are worried over risk do not seem keen to put funds in the market .
6 Curbs on ownership of water buffaloes and other ruminant emitters do not seem likely , nor would it be possible to cover up rice paddies and melting permafrost in the tundra .
7 Sadly , population planners and contraceptive manufacturers do not seem to share women 's concerns .
8 Rather , the involvement of bacteria has been inferred from studies showing that pretreatment with broad spectrum antibiotics may prevent small intestinal ulceration caused by indomethacin and that germ free animals do not seem to develop the lesions .
9 Again local inspectors do not seem to do so well in engendering trust .
10 Combat is competitive , with the opposing planes appearing to have more ‘ Artificial Intelligence ’ than normal — eg using counter measures against your missiles etc , but again these aircraft do not seem to have their own ‘ character ’ .
11 Speakers and listeners do not seem to be necessary .
12 ‘ Pump Up The Volume ’ suffers from the same flaw as most American teen-rebel movies : the trials of a white , middle-class American kids do not seem overly arduous ( the star of John Hughes ‘ Pretty In Pink ’ complains of poverty but lives with her Dad in a detached house and drives her own Volkswagen to school ) .
13 Whichever motive is uppermost for them , feminist linguists engaged in sex difference research do not seem to find the idea of studying difference problematic in itself .
14 Enthusiasts for genetic algorithms do not seem worried about this .
15 It says a great deal for Saxon resilience that the Sussex settlements do not seem to have reverted to wholesale waste , and the pressure was greatly liked in 1017 when Cnut was elected king of England and the country passed under a Scandinavian aegis for the next half century or so .
16 The suggested analogies relied on with ecclesiastical courts and military courts which apply wholly distinct areas of law do not seem to me to be helpful or valid .
17 With up to 30 per cent of prisoners coming from minority backgrounds ( mostly black and Asian , but with Polish , Irish and other groups also represented ) this is one way of allowing for — and even valuing — cultural diversity and may be one reason why racial tensions do not seem to be as evident as one might expect .
18 Most of the other examples cited in Bolinger 's article as adjectives capable only of sense-qualification do not seem to us to be properly so classified either ; if they are felt to be atypical it is for some other reason .
19 Merchant 's companies do not seem to distinguish between key result areas and critical success factors .
20 The other points to note on the Regulations are : ( i ) that advantage can not be taken of the section if a provision , ‘ however expressed , ’ of the company 's memorandum or articles requires copies of the full accounts to be sent to members or which prohibits the sending of summary financial statements ( ii ) that provisions , similar to those in relation to the full accounts , apply to approval by , and signature on behalf of , the directors of the summary , and ( iii ) that , up to the end of 1991 , most listed companies do not seem to have opted to adopt the innovation .
21 Lardner 's volumes were not quite an encyclopedia , since each one could stand on its own : volumes came out at intervals , and buyers do not seem to have been made to subscribe to the whole set .
22 Inland changes to sites over the last 1000 years do not seem to have been so drastic .
23 At the other end of the scale , alternations between the active and the agentless passive studied by Weiner and Labov do not seem to be candidate variables in any sense parallel to the concept of the phonological variable .
24 Others speculate that a bad harvest around Hanoi may be to blame ( though the new arrivals do not seem to be starving ) .
25 For women , the social customs do not seem to permit such a clear distinction between work and leisure .
26 The Church and too many of the laity do not seem to understand one another , and even the Church itself is split between the dogmatism of the sectarians and the tolerance of the more open-minded Anglicans .
27 In fact , stockmarkets do not seem to penalise the defence-related companies most heavily dependent on defence contracts ; since the end of 1989 , shares in companies which get most of their business from the Pentagon have risen more than diversified firms ( chart 3 ) .
28 Composers do not seem to have found much use for this device , though it has been known since Weber 's day .
29 While his explanations do not seem clearly to separate older arguments about managers under- or over-investing from the impact of the business-cycle stage itself , it does seem clear that investment at the right time , i.e. early in the product life-cycle , does lead to increased ROI if management is able to establish its product in the market place and control costs .
30 If your mid-water fish do not seem to get to the food , try a sinking variety .
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