Example sentences of "[noun] can [be] assumed " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lloyd 's has to decide whether , as Names die or become unable to pay , the risks can be assumed by the Society as a whole or whether the maxim of ‘ Each for his own part ’ is strictly applied .
2 Burrough ( 1986 ) suggests that the area of the map covered by lines can be assumed to be an area of uncertainty .
3 In this chapter , however , we are focussing attention on the behaviour when the effect of such departures can be assumed to be slight .
4 As we noted , in the canonical situation of utterance , with the assumption of the unmarked deictic centre , RT can be assumed to be identical to CT ( Lyons ( 1977a : 685 ) calls this assumption deictic simultaneity ) .
5 One problem for the non-native speaker of English is to decide when a group can be assumed to be familiar .
6 These dimensions can be assumed to be strongly correlated with each other , so that a model of ‘ strong ’ corporatism can be constructed in terms of which specific countries can be ranked .
7 Avitus 's generation is the last for which a full Roman education in the schools of Gaul can be assumed .
8 Subroutines are usually written to be " transparent " to the calling routine ; that is , the processor registers such as accumulators and condition codes can be assumed to be unaltered by the subroutine call , unless they are explicitly part of the subroutine linkage .
9 The number of intervening sentences in which the item was not mentioned is one obvious variable , but more interesting would be the effect of such discourse boundaries as a change of scene , where a whole set of items can be assumed to enter the consciousness of the addressee , presumably pushing out old ones .
10 However , if lenders and borrowers can be assumed to look further ahead than the immediate moment , and if their guesses about the future are anywhere near what eventually happens , the level of real interest rates in 1984–5 may be better represented by one of the last two columns of Table 8.3 .
11 Thus by overtly infringing some maxim , the speaker can force the hearer to do extensive inferencing to some set of propositions , such that if the speaker can be assumed to be conveying these then at least the over-arching cooperative principle would be sustained .
12 The copper can be assumed to be uniformly distributed across the section but it only occupies a fraction unc of the space available ; the current density in the copper is to be J.
13 In this regard , it is recognised that while a faith background can be assumed in the Catholic R.E .
14 The most this can mean is that the people who voted for the party did so knowing that it was planning to do certain things , and that therefore these voters can be assumed to have consented to those plans .
15 Other than in such cases of clear juxtaposition , dots can be assumed to be purposeful when there is graphic consistency , and especially when such consistency is combined with gentle expression .
16 The approximate savings per unit can be assumed to be 1 chef at £6,000 per annum per unit .
17 Virtually any Arts and Crafts or Art Nouveau building can be assumed to have had a highly elaborate shopfront beneath .
18 Since the North West had some 8,700 pubs in 1981 , of which approximately 57 per cent were tied , the approximate division can be assumed to have been as follows :
19 From dating studies on archaeological ceramics , we know that the environment does not make the largest contribution to the annual radiation dose of ceramics , and a likely range of environmental radiation values can be assumed in estimating the TL age .
20 Functional studies were essentially positivist in nature and depended upon the notion that phenomena can be explained as instances of repeated and predictable regularities in which form and function can be assumed to be related , and indeed form and process figured in the titles of a number of books concerned with processes ( e.g. Carson and Kirkby , 1972 ; Gregory and Walling , 1973 ) .
21 Where no provenance is given , the find spot can be assumed to be East Anglia .
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