Example sentences of "[noun] who say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Regular contact with the manager enables problems to be picked up quickly , and questionnaires are routinely sent to clients who say they no longer need the service .
2 But it has upset some shopkeepers whose deliveries have been disrupted , and disabled drivers who say they ca n't get into town .
3 For example , we like the idea of benign scientific research , as we call it , to counter the whalers who say they will kill whales for science .
4 There are those in the village who say I am blessed not to have children , because they mean pain and work .
5 Isosceles plans no further meetings with its bankers who say they are happy with its performance .
6 The rating on which young people do so badly is derived only from that fraction of employers who say they are different .
7 More than 3,000 turned out for a rally organised by 2 hoteliers who say they just had to do something .
8 Having tried it here in our own studio and been most impressed , I have also spoken to JMP-1 converts Geoff Whitehorn and Phil Hilborne who say it 's been a godsend to their recording .
9 I usually call myself half German because people get so fed up with all the Germans who say they 're Austrian . ’
10 And you 'll get people of course who say it did n't work .
11 Within hours of its announcement , the plan was attacked by environmental groups who say they will bury President George Bush 's plan .
12 The review will increase pressure on scientists at the ministry 's Pesticides Safety Divison who say they are too understaffed to handle the backlog on older , more hazardous chemicals .
13 But , as Ronnie Convery found out , within the Church itself he 's under fire from some liberal Catholics who say he 's turning the clock back .
14 There are suits that are better equipped for the more demanding skier and manufacturers who specialise in this end of the market include Nevica , Berghaus , Phoenix , Degre 7 , Powderhorn and SOS who say they are not interested in following ski fashions : ‘ We make heavy duty workwear for people who spend their winters in the mountains . ’
15 Toxic chemicals contained in sheep dip may be banned after complaints from some farmers who say their health has been damaged by the dip .
16 It shows the percentage of the sample who say they ‘ like ’ , ‘ dislike ’ or ‘ do n't mind ’ each task when asked a direct question about that task .
17 This new ad had barely been launched before it came under attack from drink-driving campaigners who say it will miss the very people it is aimed at — because they will be at the pub .
18 A blessing for traffic planners and motorists , a disaster for campaigners who say it 's ruined country life .
19 And the news has been met with great excitement by scientists in Liverpool who say their colleagues ' work could provide the missing pieces in the puzzle .
20 We put this to you as an answer to all slimmers who say they only need to look at a single cake or bar of chocolate to put on a substantial amount of fat .
21 ‘ But I ca n't agree with the prophets of doom who say we will never qualify for the World Cup finals again .
22 People who say they stand for animal protection , for compassion , for human responsibility towards the other animals , speak well and truly , as far as these descriptions go .
23 Sometimes when I listen to people who say they have lost their faith , it strikes me as less surprising thin they suggest .
24 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
25 And even people who say they do n't care how they look care how they look .
26 Or it may he because ‘ more and more we find we have people who say they ‘ ca n't sing ’ .
27 People who say they sell drugs because they do n't have enough money , I think they 're lying .
28 We 've had tons of letters — you know the sort of thing : people who say they knew the originals of the characters in Cotton Town , people who say he said ‘ bobbin-waggler ’ when he should have said ‘ throcket-shuttle ’ .
29 People who say they 're hungry never go after a tin of beans , they always want smoked salmon , ’ she says .
30 ‘ There are people who say they would n't be seen dead on of these things , but after one ride they 're queuing up .
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