Example sentences of "[noun] would lead [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As I have explained , in such a case the adoption of the literal meaning of the statutory words would lead to a result whereby the taxpayer is assessed at an amount greater than that charged by the employer to the public for the same service .
2 This would allow the individual to specialise in a particular job and the division of labour would lead to a clear distinction between management and the workforce .
3 All the independent experts — by the hon. Gentleman 's lights — say that a national minimum wage on the lines proposed by Labour would lead to the loss of 200,000 to 2 million jobs .
4 As I was floundering around trying to see a picture she mentioned that she was dreading a forthcoming holiday because of travel-sickness — the anticipatory fear would lead to headaches and frequent urination .
5 Some lexical units , even though established , are selected only in specific restricted contexts , or in contexts where the primary units would lead to abnormality .
6 Some parents were very worried that more integrated settings would lead to lack of attention for children with special needs .
7 Thus there is an implication in some analyses that an increase in the supply of labour to manufacturing industry would lead to higher levels of productivity and rates of output growth .
8 While he was sure yesterday 's tragedy would lead to a call for a review of the council 's policy , he was uncertain whether it would change .
9 He also offered dire predictions to couples ( Graham could n't even consider the possibility they might not be married ) that going at it like knives would lead to ‘ languor , lassitude , muscular relaxation , general debility and heaviness , depression of spirits , loss of appetite , indigestion , faintness and sinking at the pit of the stomach , increased susceptibilities of the skin and the lungs to all atmospheric changes , feebleness of circulation , chilliness , headache , melancholy , hypochondria , hysterics , feebleness of circulation , feebleness of all the senses , impaired vision , loss of sight , weakness of the lungs , nervous cough , pulmonary consumption , disorders of the liver and kidneys , urinary difficulties , disorders of the genital organs , spinal diseases , weakness of the brain , loss of memory , epilepsy , insanity , apoplexy , abortions , premature births , extreme feebleness , morbid predispositions , and an early death of offspring . ’
10 Motor Racing : Michael Horst , vice-president of corporate affairs , Philip Morris [ Marlboro ] , is reported to ‘ admit that the removal of corporate or brand images would lead to an enforced evacuation from sport in general , and the Philip Morris subsidiary , General Foods , incorporating Kraft and Jacobs-Suchard , could decide part of the vacuum was worth filling ’ [ Glasgow Herald , 20.1.91 ]
11 Speaking in the budget debate in the House of Assembly , he asserted that majority rule would lead to " a power struggle and domination " and was not " the right model for a country with a tremendously diverse population " .
12 It is envisaged that this active mantle upwelling would lead to a significant heating of the overlying lithosphere and could generate uplifts of up to around 1 km .
13 Consumer bodies have said that enforced labelling would lead to better foods .
14 The application of expert systems in aircraft maintenance would lead to the integration of its four generations that are ( more or less ) used today in the aviation industry .
15 It is argued that greater care in extraction would lead to a higher price of the timber but , in hill-forest in Sarawak planned systems using directional felling are said to reduce logging damage by half without incurring additional costs .
16 The Department of Education claims the title university college would lead to confusion .
17 Sentencing Robert Cameron , Sheriff James Farrell warned that any knife-related crime would lead to a custodial sentence .
18 The only dissenting voice in the Committee over its central recommendations with regard to homosexuality was that of James Adair who , in his minority report , argued that the implementation of the major recommendation would lead to a weakening of the criminal law .
19 An Oxford don says a return to Victorian manners would lead to a better , more considerate society .
20 But ITV Association chairman Greg Dyke said the proposal would lead to the network losing hit shows and mean stars like The Bill 's Christopher Ellison would only be seen on satellite TV .
21 Fears that this proposal would lead to Federal interference in this field brought a further defeat for the President .
22 A new selection panel was trying very hard to make a good , early impression with players stiffened by the knowledge that strong and winning performances against Ireland would lead to places on the tour to Australia and South Africa later in the season .
23 The removal of these barriers would lead to a direct lowering of costs by reducing the price of imported goods and services .
24 Congregation at feeding sites would lead to a rapid exhaustion of local supplies .
25 Whether or not the testing of nuclear weapons in the early 1960s caused a significant decrease in stratospheric ozone may remain controversial , but it is generally agreed by researchers that a future large-scale nuclear exchange with detonations totalling 5000–10,000 million tonnes would lead to substantial depletion of stratospheric ozone .
26 Group services manager for North East Essex social services , Robin Rennie , told carers that the £14 million Government grant to fund the Act would lead to shortfalls in the system .
27 Kosovo was in favour of democratic centralism , Morina said , and against replacing it with multiparty elections , since pluralism would lead to dangerous divisions between nationalities .
28 Both inside and outside the Congress there were fears that a " militarization " of the anti-narcotics campaign would lead to acts of repression against peasant growers and to corruption among the military .
29 There are now two breeds of cat available that do not appear to cause allergic responses , which with an ordinary cat would lead to breathing difficulties and an asthmatic condition .
30 It might be expected that where such clonal growth is possible , the struggle for existence over long periods of stable management would lead to the local dominance of single clones — those that had succeeded in a struggle for existence with others .
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