Example sentences of "[noun] have gone by " in BNC.

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1 As the decades have gone by , scholarly work has piled up , so that this category of book has taken a larger , longer and much more expensive form than before .
2 Since they started they had no coordination , = when I was saying up they were going down , but as the weeks have gone by they 've actually gradually got better and they can smile while they are doing it erm as well , whereas before it was erm one great big grimace .
3 At the time he said never again , but a few years have gone by and he has a different perception .
4 As the years have gone by , much doubt has been cast on the approaches even by people closely involved in them .
5 In what is perhaps the most usual response to these altered judgements against crime between pre-war and postwar years , of course , it is suggested that such incidents have become ‘ more serious ’ or ‘ more violent ’ as the years have gone by .
6 They resented us in the beginning but I think as the years have gone by and they have seen the facilities that a new town has brought to their advantage I think they 're more acceptable now , but they did resent us in the beginning .
7 Maybe in some distant galaxy these conditions did arise , and the result , if enough millions of years have gone by , is an ethereal , wispy form of life .
8 and I thought , shall I send a card , and I thought no , cos that many years have gone by
9 ‘ Evil communications corrupt good manners , ’ says a Greek proverb , and in the polarised world we live in , where name calling and counter-check is the order of the day , it is not surprising that good manners and etiquette have gone by the board .
10 Their principles have gone by the board .
11 Many letters from friends have gone by the wayside but I have kept those from Emily Carr .
12 Since then village children have gone by bus to the primary school in neighbouring Melbourne .
13 But Floyd 's air of mock humility , constant stream of self-reflexive comments ( 'Quick cut away ; lots and lots of minutes have gone by now ’ ) and bossy remarks to the cameraman were as refreshing as ever .
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