Example sentences of "[noun] have cope with " in BNC.

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1 Nocturnal animals have to cope with the same difficulty , and many creatures have developed ways of gathering the maximum amount of light .
2 Nurses in that sector have to cope with the effects on their patients of poor housing conditions and a deteriorating social fabric .
3 The accidents all point to a common problem farmers and agricultural workers have to cope with — working alone in isolated places ’ .
4 Few organisations have to cope with the range of different inputs at national , LEA and institutional level .
5 As well as having to adapt to major changes in their status , environment , lifestyle and relationships , Elizabeth and Helen have to cope with the adjustments made by the people on whom they depend .
6 Gooch said : ‘ Teams have to cope with injury and illness .
7 Tomorrow in One Day at a Time we see how some families have coped with bringing up children who 've suffered head injuries .
8 Relatives have to cope with mental illness that so often changes the personality of their loved one .
9 He is too relaxed for all the questions with which he is being bombarded , and full of wonder at how golfers such as Nicklaus and Watson have coped with it for all these years .
10 This is the largest and most comprehensive of its kind and does address the very real problems people have to cope with in the event of a major disaster . ’
11 Stress is something most people have to cope with , but sometimes it all gets too much .
12 Teachers have to cope with multi-grade classes with little in the way of materials and books .
13 There 's nothing like an Epsom , there 's nothing like the variety that our jockeys have to cope with
14 Her members have to cope with varying degrees of immobility — one lady has an artificial — but they are enthusiastic and even ambitious , setting before themselves the movements of Torvill and Dean as an ideal to follow .
15 as well over here that our our guys have to cope with .
16 Whenever you run for a train , cope with stress at work , or lose your temper , the heart and lungs have to cope with the extra demands placed on them .
17 Pumps have to cope with the unexpected .
18 Leading by half a length with just 250 metres to go , BRC were overhauled by Galway but the result is encouraging given the injuries the squad have coped with .
19 Related to this is the issue of the double workload women have to cope with if they work outside the home — paid work by day and unpaid work for the remainder of the time .
20 Gary Wilmot could possibly do it as , like me , he was a contestant on the show and would therefore understand the awesome fear the contestants have to cope with .
21 ‘ John went behind the counter at Selfridges for a couple of days so that he would understand what assistants have to cope with .
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