Example sentences of "[noun] have succeed in " in BNC.

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1 UK scientists led by Mr John Wallwork and Dr David White in Cambridge have succeeded in incorporating the human gene for DAF into pig DNA .
2 The part fits Fox 's mannered but magnetic acting style perfectly , and between them , he and the author have succeeded in making a great comic character out of a man who does almost nothing at all and who speaks only in cheery formulae , and yet has strange powers of happiness denied to those more vulnerable to the wear and tear of life .
3 The police and officials have succeeded in delineating fans ' territories in a way that the fans themselves could never have done .
4 IN RECENT WEEKS , prize specimens of the human race have succeed in stealing a Hawker Tempest II cowling from the Autokraft works at Brookland 's , Weybridge .
5 Whether , for instance , concepts such as ‘ ethnicity ’ , ‘ class ’ , ‘ politics ’ are ‘ culture-free ’ , that is whether academics have succeeded in freeing them from their narrow everyday cultural uses and made them available for cross-cultural use , is a question of judgement and , ultimately , of ontology .
6 The decline of religion and the growth of the scientific world-view have meant that ‘ Both the natural sciences and the social sciences have succeeded in gaining a proper autonomy from ecclesiastical control . ’
7 Heeding Lady Barber 's wish that the ‘ purchases for the Collection shall be of that standard of quality required by the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection ’ , the Trustees have succeeded in acquiring over the years a group of paintings , drawings , sculptures , and objet d'art of exceptional merit , a number of them undisputed masterpieces .
8 However , it is true that many people have succeeded in shedding weight on them in the past .
9 NAF , Grunwick boss George Ward and the mass media have succeeded in shifting the emphasis of the dispute away from the right to join a union and the treatment of black workers to a debate on the tools of working-class struggle generally ; the closed shop and the picket … .
10 Of course all this begs important questions about whether chemists have succeeded in duplicating the conditions of the early Earth but , even so , given that we ca n't answer these questions , the argument is worth pursuing .
11 But one or two species have succeeded in minimising even this requirement .
12 Only a handful of politicians in Britain have succeeded in doing what Heseltine has done — establishing a claim to leadership while outside the ruling group of his party .
13 This is where the real debate is and where the Government have succeeded in taking the high ground .
14 Individual leaders have succeeded in dealing with one of the three problems : Nyerere has defeated localism , Kenyatta maintained a relatively liberal state , Senghor managed a peaceful succession .
15 The happiest families are those where parents and children have succeeded in making the transition from a relationship of dependence to one of mutual friendship and sharing .
16 Many of the large old psychiatric hospitals have succeeded in making good use of their facilities , in breaking down the whole organization into smaller , semi-autonomous units , and in ensuring generally that the emphasis is on the treatment and rehabilitation of the patients rather than simply on their care and custody .
17 The publications of Degenhart and Annegrit Schmitt have succeeded in bringing into the mainstream of art history the study of artist 's pattern books and travel notebooks , which were so important for the dissemination of ideas and motifs , as well as book illustration and marginalia drawings .
18 The Bolsheviks have succeeded in encouraging men , who twenty years ago could not read , to take an interest in the most difficult works of the imagination .
19 Although schools like St Bartholomew 's in London have succeeded in introducing innovative curricula , this is often attributed to the personal skills of the dean and local enthusiasm rather than to anything more generalisable .
20 To date , 10 million smokers have succeeded in kicking the habit .
21 There is no doubt that swordfish have succeeded in piercing the bottom planking of boats , but if any were ever sunk in this way is unknown .
22 ‘ In the space of a couple of days local politicians have succeeded in dashing the hopes of thousands of anglers , and I feel it is just the thin end of the wedge .
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