Example sentences of "[noun] as it exist " in BNC.

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1 The difference between industry as it exists today and a profession is then , simple and unmistakable .
2 We have tried to make it clear in the law that what we are establishing is a parallel procedure and not an exclusive procedure , so that the other law as it existed , whatever it is , still does exist today , but that here is a prescribed procedure which terminally ill patients may choose to use should they wish to do so .
3 Furthermore such a construction does not sit easily with subsection ( 3 ) which preserves the common law as it existed immediately before the Act which undoubtedly gave parents an effective power of consent for all children up to the age of 21 , the then existing age of consent : see Gillick 's case [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 , 167C , per Lord Fraser of Tullybelton , and at p. 182E , per Lord Scarman .
4 The remarkable novels of S. E. Hinton — for instance , The Outsiders and That Was Then , This Is Now — describe the operation of honour as it exists within American city gangs with a passionate conviction one looks for in vain in many similar contemporary adventure fictions .
5 ‘ Because although I do n't entirely share with you your view of the essential rottenness of all humanity as it exists today , I can see there are sections of it that are dangerous — ’
6 To liberate desire from oppression is not — could never be — a matter of resuming or regaining a desire/subjectivity as it existed prior to discrimination .
7 The alternative option , clearly the one it favoured , was ‘ to accept Israel as it existed on the condition that each refugee be allowed to return to his home , whether it was under Arab or Israeli jurisdiction . ’
8 Because they were the part , they are the structure of the service as it exists at present .
9 Gen. Kadijevic stated on the same day that " Yugoslavia as it existed until now has ceased to be " and that " the army is therefore taking certain decisions into its own hands " .
10 The chapter on pain assessment , for example , concentrates mainly on the physical aspects of care , detailing much of the doctor 's role as it exists in this country , and only one page is given to health assessment — arguably the most important area for nurses in the UK .
11 The deep ambiguities of the Prussian State as it existed in the nineteenth century , intellectually a part of Western Europe yet with a social and military structure much of which continually tended to align it with Russia , trace largely from Frederick 's reign .
12 First , are we to regard the welfare state , which fits uneasily , if at all , into a Marxist scheme , as a new type of state , which differs in fundamental respects from the state as it existed in the laissez-faire capitalist societies of the nineteenth century ?
13 The government of Bosnia-Hercegovina under President Alija Izetbegovic continued as the internationally recognized government of Bosnia-Hercegovina but had lost control of most of the territory of the state as it existed when it was recognized internationally in April 1992 [ see p. 38848 ] .
14 The dominant critique of local government as it existed in the 1960s was relatively straightforward .
15 Writing in 1946 , Knights , an editor of Scrutiny in the 19305 , is anxious that English should not avoid " controversial questions " in the name of " disinterested knowledge " , The discipline should attempt to provide an education which produces men and women who are not afraid to ask awkward questions , particularly when it comes to matters relating to the " quality of living " , rather than being content to simply fit people into " the machinery of society as it exists at present .
16 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
17 Many aspects of the diplomatic organisation of western and central Europe as it existed by the beginning of the seventeenth century continued with little essential change down to the French Revolution and indeed beyond .
18 Marx sees such an argument as a subtle legitimation of private property as it existed in his time , because it made it basic to human nature .
19 What is significant for understanding why to is used with the infinitive of reaction is that the notion of " evaluation " implies a judgement as to whether the event was opportune or not , and this judgement involves an implicit reference to the situation as it existed before the infinitive event occurred , i.e. to the factors making its occurrence either opportune or inopportune .
20 Reflecting in 1968 on the difference between him and Communists of the older generation , he said : ‘ They seem to approach reality by way of certain abstract categories , which seem to them to have a lot of meaning and to reflect concrete experience … ; [ whereas ] members of my generation tend to use as a starting point reality as it exists at the moment , they form general concepts on the basis of this reality and they disregard categories which seem to have lost their relevance and to function more as incantations than as concepts . ’
21 The second consequence of this unilinearity is that the idea of the standard is projected backwards on to states of language and society in which that idea may not have existed , or — if it did exist — may have been different in important ways from the idea of the standard as it exists today .
22 To do this , an ideal model based on the equality paradigm was constructed and then compared with a neutral model reflecting the further education system as it existed before the Act took effect .
23 What do these syndromes tell us about the language-processing system as it exists in intact brains ?
24 They may range from a brief mention of a thirteenth-century tithe barn near the manor house , to a fully detailed true-to-scale plan of a building as it existed in earlier times , but which is now changed .
25 So , this joint staffing watch as it exists at the moment , has got a very restricted shelf life , an and I doubt if it 's going to survive .
26 Similarly , the adequacy of the course as it exists is usually the implicit object of review .
27 Thus , where the user covenant permits the tenant to use the demised property for any purpose falling within a class of the Town and Country Planning ( Use Classes ) Order 1972 ( SI No 1385 ) the covenant will be construed as referring to the use class as it existed at the date of the demise .
28 The theory of heredity as it existed in the 1940s , then , was one of genes linearly arranged along chromosomes , influencing the characteristics of the organisms in which they found themselves , and being transmitted via egg and sperm to the next generation .
29 ( To be more explicit : landowners were to be compensated for lost development value as it existed in 1948 , out of a fund for £300 million reserved for this purpose . )
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