Example sentences of "[noun] had left a " in BNC.

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1 Slowly he removed his mouth , closing her fingers over the spot where his lips had left a burning imprint , a brand on her flesh .
2 The chisel cut had left a broad , purple , crescent-shaped scar .
3 His parents had left a village in the mountains near the Albanian border just after the Civil War .
4 Apart from the fact that the McCarthy purges of alleged Communists had left a bad scar on the film industry , two other developments were eventually to bear much of the blame for the demise of the glitterama of old Hollywood .
5 He said he had received information from another member of staff that Miss Dixon had left a message on a telephone answering machine about an ‘ untidy kitchen ’ at the nursing home .
6 Though her temper had run away with her , and she had sent him away , she could not deny that the grim coldness of his departure had left a barren place in her heart .
7 Blanche had left a message for the sergeant to join her in the editor 's office of Inside Out on the fourth floor .
8 She claimed the King had left a suicide note for his father , saying he wanted to die because he had cancer and could not face an agonising death .
9 Hugo had left a full packet of cigarettes by the bed .
10 And a slug had left a trail across one leg . ’
11 Probably the FedPol contingent visiting Vadinamia had left a backup ship in orbit , as they often do .
12 I wish my father had left a description of his encounter with Balcha but I can find none in his letters or despatches .
13 I found a niche where a small landslide had left a level lawn with a backing of turf ; and where the breeze still moved enough to allay the midges , and sat down to my picnic .
14 The colorful chemical and medical reformer Paracelsus ( c. 1493–1541 ) suggested that , in creating the world , God had left a magic sign on every herb — a clue to its efficacy .
15 The birds had told me Diggs had left a few minutes earlier , so I ran back the quick way to the house , where the lights all burned as usual .
16 ‘ Their experiences at Darlington had left a bad taste in the mouth .
17 The police had left a mess in his place : he 'd be busy .
18 After the incident on avenue Foch , Azadi had left a man to watch in a surveillance car .
19 A recent survey of domestic burglaries in Northern Ireland , showed that almost half of he victims had left a window open and a similar number had left a door open .
20 — because his watch had left a clear , sharp-edged mark on his tanned arm .
21 From my vantage-point I could see exactly where the accident had happened , about sixty yards from the summit , as the cops had left a portable barrier with yellow flashing lights on top to mark the spot .
22 The end of power-sharing had left a vacuum , which the constitutional convention had failed to fill , and Ulster staggered on with a vicious IRA campaign , tit-for-tat assassinations , unconvincing direct rule , and no obvious sense of direction .
23 Figures issued by the government on April 13 , 1990 , indicated that the 1989 budget had left a surplus of SFr4,600,000 .
24 Sam and Duncan McCrea raced down to the street where Lou Collins had left a CIA car should the listeners in the apartment need transport .
25 But instead , Carla had left a note saying : ‘ I have gone abroad .
26 Some workmen had left a wooden board on the pavement beside the bus stop and Katy danced on top of it until the bus arrived .
27 A recent survey of domestic burglaries in Northern Ireland , showed that almost half of he victims had left a window open and a similar number had left a door open .
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