Example sentences of "[noun] she seemed to " in BNC.

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1 I looked at Lily She seemed to me to be perceptibly hurt ; and just as another wild idea was beginning to run through my mind , that she really was an amnesiac , some beautiful amnesiac he had , somehow , literally and metaphorically laid his hands on , she gave me what was beyond any doubt a contemporary look , a look out of role — a quick , questioning glance that flicked from me to Conchis 's averted head and back again .
2 When he first heard her voice she seemed to be in agony , and imagining she was ill , he had started impulsively forward again ; then with a deep sense of shock he had sensed the awful intimacy of the strangled cries .
3 ‘ Silly sausage , ’ he teased , and , although she carried on studying to complete her A levels , when Fabia left school she seemed to just naturally fill the niche that was tailor-made for her in feeding and exercising the dogs and giving an extra helping of love and attention to the animals who needed it .
4 It was Catherine again and McLeish was mildly irritated by the way she seemed to be ahead of him .
5 Ana had no trouble with her mount ; to Maggie 's surprise she seemed to be an expert horsewoman and Mitch too seemed to take to the activity like a veteran .
6 In her wisdom she seemed to be aware of the delicacy of the situation and she was taking great care not to say anything to embarrass her companion .
7 When she signed her first big contract , Marilyn reputedly said , ‘ That 's the last cock I 'll have to suck ’ , though at the same time she seemed to be looking around for greater conquests .
8 This time she seemed to be in two minds about what to do .
9 Every time she seemed to be on the verge of making some sort of breakthrough , new questions came up .
10 From the taut state of her stomach muscles and the general pain she seemed to be in , they had assumed that an ulcer had burst in her stomach .
11 With every step she seemed to be going deeper into another world .
12 In her dreaminess she seemed to be surrounded by love .
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