Example sentences of "[noun] but before [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A speculative look was in her tormentor 's eyes but before he could start working on her she was rescued .
2 A new cooker or whatever can be a tremendous boon and investment but before you go out and spend money ask yourself questions about the way you live : is the pace hectic or leisurely ? how many and what sort of meals do you have to provide ? are you far from a good supermarket or freezer centre ? how much time do you have for shopping ? are you out at work all day ? do you grow your own vegetables ? how often do you entertain ? can you spend time on cooking and food preparation or is it always meals in a hurry ?
3 Stephen opened his mouth to express his thanks but before he could get a word out , Jonadab spoke again .
4 He opened his mouth but before he could get any words out , Matthew said , " I do n't want to sell my share either .
5 He told me I was turning into a jealous old queen but before he slammed the phone down he agreed not to tell Mother about the death .
6 A movement caught her eye as she stepped back out onto the pavement but before she could react a black youth shot past her on rollerskates , snatching the bag out of her hand .
7 A Man Utd fan dies and goes to heaven but before he goes through the pearly gates he has to pass a test .
8 So can sort of we point the discussion in in that direction but before we do Miss Whittaker has a corollary to push with that point .
9 She fumbled in her pocket for more change but before she could get in it into the coin slot she heard the click .
10 She meant to explain that there had n't been room in their cases but before she could speak Miss Evans turned bright red and said quickly , ‘ Oh , I 'm so sorry , how silly of me , why should you ?
11 Longman the least seasonally biased of the three struggled to break even in the first half and this removed the normal pattern of Longman 's half-year profits helping to offset the first half losses of the other two businesses but before we get too depressed er I point out that Addison Wesley s sales were up by eleven percent and the size of the first half loss reflects the company 's decision to gear up in advance er , for what we w believe will be a very strong er , second er , half performance .
12 Behind the HQ building , to the right of what Waters called the Paddock but before you got to the Wood , was a small black circle quite close to the boundary fence .
13 There had been no grace but before they ate Julia noticed a moment 's silence had descended .
14 She took a deep breath but before she had the chance to speak someone tapped on the door and a dark , bearded man appeared .
15 At the moment the sail is only attached down its needed edge but before we can use it , we 've got to control it properly and that means to tuck it in the boot the jaws clip on here , the down-haul clips on to the sail and is threaded through the jaws before we make it up on the cleat the position of the boom and hence the sail relative to the wind is controlled by this rope , the mainsheet .
16 The vehicle was originally a petrol but before I bought it the engine was replaced with a Gold Seal factory rebuilt diesel unit .
17 The prosecutor rose to give the opening address but before he could begin Kesselring 's chief defence lawyer , Dr Hans Laternser , asked the court to grant an adjournment .
18 ‘ My homesite was Cape Wrath but before I ever made my first flight a Man came and … ’ and he began to tell her his story , of the Zoo , of the Cages , of the Men there and his sudden escape … only leaving out mention of the other eagles in the Cages for in his heart he knew their pride would ask that he did not mention their names to a free eagle , nor would they wish for pity from outside .
19 Once his attention was drawn to the bending , the child dismantled the tower but before he could rebuild it properly , the teacher challenged him to build another bent tower .
20 This was the business end of her trip but before she started she wandered along a crowded beach , taking photographs of the sands , waterskiers and windsurfers , the tree-lined promenade and the backdrop of mountains beyond .
21 He should therefore have listened to representations made after the Act received the Royal Assent but before he actually exercised his discretion .
22 Planning a new border is always an exciting proposition but before you start , follow Phillippa Lambert 's preparation tips to ensure that your plants get off to a flying start
23 I stumbled across the threshold but before I could say anything Mum shouted at me , ‘ Where 'ave yow bin all this time ?
24 A shower of dust sprinkled his face but before he could react the gunman leaped onto him from a ledge on the wall .
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