Example sentences of "[noun] on [art] wall " in BNC.

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1 The sunshaft on the wall was dimming and the sky thickening ever so slightly to an evident blue — ‘ how beautiful ’ .
2 It was time to descend , he decided , and began to move backwards , fixing his eyes on the wall of the house in his determination not to look down .
3 Sculptor and ceramic artist Maggie Humphry has completed a mural on the wall of Plas Meddyg , a new medical centre at Ruthin .
4 Pierre Gemayel in his high-ceilinged office personified this fantasy , lecturing visitors on the achievements of an ordered world which really existed only inside his own office with its Phalangist and Lebanese flags and its old newspaper photograph on the wall .
5 My attention was attracted by Granny 's big black eyes staring down from her photograph on the wall .
6 Even the Commonweal School group photograph on the wall : September 1948 , with Harry featured twice , having sprinted along the back while the camera tracked round , thus appearing with smile and combed hair at the extreme left and with smile and tousled hair at the extreme right .
7 Something seemed suddenly to catch his eye : the Commonweal School group photograph on the wall above the desk .
8 ‘ The photograph on the wall the one .
9 It is a work of deep inwardness , where the presence of God in all creatures makes external worship and scriptural authority superfluous : ‘ God is in all Creatures , Man and Beast , Fish and Fowle , and every green thing , from the highest Cedar to the Ivey on the wall ; and that God is the life and being of them all . ’
10 ‘ Café ’ was daubed in whitewash on the wall and beneath it a metal plaque advertising ‘ Fanta ’ .
11 Nobody had been quite sure either what to make of the stuffed animal heads on the wall , and the large crocodile sprawled across one of the floors .
12 ‘ Because he left a drawing on the wall .
13 We never heard a voice , but one evening there was a tapping on the wall .
14 Remarkable things can be done linking projectors and computers so that you get composite or varied images on a wall of screens .
15 Yet somebody had sprayed those two words on the wall , somebody who knew what they would mean to him and to no other occupant of Breakspear College .
16 Marie 's left most of her pictures on the wall , and I have a look at them .
17 There was a breathless hush in the executive floor all day , perfumed by smart secretaries , softened by deep carpets , cultured by pictures on the wall — not advertising , but Art .
18 Those pictures on the wall — all originals , he would swear to it .
19 We never went to the pictures and I never had any pictures on the wall .
20 By the light of the second lamp , he saw it disappear through a hole in one of the great pictures on the wall .
21 There are small pictures on the wall , mostly red and yellow lines .
22 The aspirations of the sun lounge , the pictures on the wall , the world flags , stuffed marlin , all speak of dreams of somewhere else .
23 There were two pictures on the wall , pale washed watercolours , country scenes , and a broken mirror on a bit of string .
24 The moving pictures on the wall seemed to be of events occurring elsewhere on the planet , or in the universe , across the ages .
25 No pictures on the wall .
26 The peonies on the wall faded and gave way to a thick , wooded hillside .
27 She is concentrating very hard on a patch of light on the wall .
28 light on the wall , had it all connected bang , bang , pull them erm , er wired them all up and still did it , that mine ?
29 The women 's final was next on the agenda , taking in the biggest roof on the wall .
30 A plaque on a wall is admittedly not much to look at for those with a passion for working machinery and dramatic industrial landscapes , but this one marks the site of the foundation of that industry which has had a greater impact on civilization than any other .
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