Example sentences of "[noun] you 'd [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We agreed … for the present … in view of the doubts you 'd expressed … ’
2 On houses where the screws were really strict about these things you had a locker check each week and if every single item was n't in your locker you 'd had it .
3 My conscience over that headache of an interview you 'd promised Cara — and me making believe I was my sister — was really getting to me . ’
4 ‘ And before you left , did you take a look at the mess you 'd created ? ’
5 Frank you 'd bought caps on
6 With his throat garrotted , in case you 'd forgotten .
7 This is a prison , in case you 'd forgotten .
8 ‘ You were robbing that jeweller 's , in case you 'd forgotten . ’
9 In case you 'd forgotten , Martin Shaw was in The Professionals .
10 I think Row was about the last row in and of course you 'd got all the fields , Gardens and what have you .
11 And er we used to get the work come to us all jumble up in waggons , and throw it onto a bench and then of course you 'd got to pick the top before you could turn it .
12 I just wondered what progress you 'd made so far .
13 I did n't come as an applicant for the job you 'd advertised .
14 I mean today , you 've got to be an educated man to know how to even , they 've got er tractors and everything , but in those days you 'd got to set your plough furrow out so as you you could run your plough down your first one , and then as you as you ploughed your first furrow out you 'd got to plough your next one into it .
15 M sh you see that I was saying , to be a farm labourer in those days you 'd got to be a clever man , you 'd got to know how much wheat to shove to an acre , no waste , you see ?
16 And there was one boss — well , if he could n't spell your name you 'd had it .
17 She looked at your nursery , and all the things you 'd got , and said you could stay until they 'd found suitable adoptive parents .
18 I mean , I expect she knew how you felt about the only things worth having being the things you 'd worked hard for and earned for yourself , so you would n't want her to leave you the house ] But she did n't want you to think she 'd forgotten you , or that she was just being spiteful , or something … ’
19 ‘ Once the novelty 's worn off , everywhere 's just like home , ’ she said , remembering the brief , pure joy of strange hotel rooms , which gradually became familiar as you unpacked the things you 'd brought with you and acquired the kind of things you were wont to acquire , so that very soon you recognized yourself in your surroundings and understood that there was no escape .
20 The outcome of the exercise in the White Paper , I think , had three main parts : one was a new think-tank , the Central Policy Review Staff , which presumably reflected some of the stuff you 'd seen in the United States at Rand and so on ; the other was a new system of , I suppose you would call it , zero-based budgeting , where you would look at longstanding government commitments and see if they should stagger on — that was Programme Analysis and Review ; and , to reduce the weight on Cabinet , there were to be big conglomerate departments , which led to the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of the Environment .
21 You told me you and Tara were n't lovers , but the minute you 'd left she told me you were .
22 I mean , ‘ Cripes , dear , if it was anonymity you 'd wanted you should have gone into the family tailoring business , ’ I hear you say , with some justification .
23 You 've worked am I right in saying , have you worked on the flats You 'd had contact had you , with people in the flats erm prior
24 ‘ That we 'd had a short but intense affair , and when we 'd met again and realised we still felt the same about each other you 'd revealed how Thomas was mine . ’
25 Some of it was Australian , some , and then you had the English , you see , as well , but they was all allocated out to so much you a week , how many books you had , how many customers you 'd got .
26 When you went to the driller you 'd got ta hold it in your hand or get a sommat , a gadget to hold the thing on , pull put the drill in .
27 You could n't have risked people finding out you 'd stolen it from a woman you 'd raped during the Russian campaign .
28 Well yeah sometimes , you see , the bull was killed as well , you 'd perhaps get a quarter of bull beef you 'd got ta shift .
29 ‘ And when you got back here , everyone could see that Walter was just a shell , just a husk you 'd had all the goodness out of .
30 ‘ Apart from other considerations , like leaving behind all your friends and a society you 'd grown up in , did n't your parents object to you taking their grandson away ? ’
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