Example sentences of "[noun] that kept [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 When he turned to look at her with some compassion , she walked the few steps that kept them apart and , staring at him with desperate eyes , insisted , ‘ That woman in the docks … it was her , was n't it ?
2 They had been busy in the department all day , a steady stream of non-urgent cases that kept her occupied and largely out of his way — until the middle of the afternoon , at any rate .
3 Severed as I was from Father and from Helmut , living in a foreign country , was it the fear of further severance that kept me in this unequal concurrence ?
4 Pickerage , with the cunning of adolescence , was finding expedients that kept him well out of Toby 's way .
5 To her dismay , hot tears burned her eyes in frustration at the physical weakness that kept her kneeling in such a submissive attitude at his feet for several more seconds .
6 Likeably laid-back and a philosophic kind of personality , Hastings currently has a crucial priority — recovery from back damage that kept him out of that Second Australian Test .
7 Charlotte had blamed Grant 's affair on the work that kept him all week in a rented London flat while she and her three small daughters lived in their Suffolk cottage .
8 One can also add that St Paul , who plumbs the depths of desolation but also knows the heights of consolation and joy , provided Montini with a practical spirituality that kept him going throughout his long ‘ hidden life ’ in the Secretariat of State ( 1925–54 ) , his pastoral ministry in Milan ( 1955–63 ) and finally , his Petrine ministry .
9 Would we wish a return to be days when children were deported for stealing the loaf of bread that kept them alive ?
10 ‘ The price of a common press was only about one-tenth of the cost of the 1,000 kg of type that kept it occupied in a busy shop … so that the master could afford to own more presses than he would normally need . ’
11 This , the waste of it , fuelled in her the indignation that kept her going , filled her mind with the thoughts that justified everything she did : one day , it would be impossible that fine people like Philip would be misused , kept down , insulted by circumstances ; one day — and because of her , Alice , and her comrades things would be different .
12 When she was released she had gained some weight , but it was fear of rehospitalisation rather than a true recovery that kept her from losing all the weight again .
13 Most of the people in Bonanza 's outfit had been aware that Mahoney was up to some kind of private business that kept him in the bucks more than whatever he earned from Bonanza .
14 ‘ This business that kept you away this morning .
15 at the end of the dark , drunken years that kept you there ,
16 it was only the stress of the job that kept him anything like upright at all .
17 It was presents from Gran that kept her attired as she was .
18 Yet it was not God that kept me going but my critics .
19 It 's gravity that kept you in orbit you and the Shuttle .
20 He worked hard as a stevedore on Sharpness docks , but it was still the thrills of life that kept him really alive .
21 It was love that kept me going ; it was ambition to be a poet that fuelled Dana 's labour and yoked it with mine .
22 It was not a magical experience , enabling him to go without food for the rest of his flight , but it was a meal for the spirit that kept him nourished and firm in his intention until he reached Horeb the mountain of God ( 1 Kings 19:1–8 ) .
23 The won the tournament in 1959 , but was n't able to compete in 1960 due to a serious knee infection that kept him out of action for most of the first half of the season .
24 The only thing that kept me going on the last lap of the journey was the rhythm of my steps .
25 The thing that kept me glued to the TV was the gorgeous Jennifer Capriati with her magnificent looks , great personality and brilliant tennis .
26 I remember recording 13 groups in one day , and the only thing that kept me sane was knowing I was getting music together with Enya .
27 I would say the thing that kept me sane during that period was the fact that I had a part time job , and erm we were able to pay for some home help .
28 The adventure on which he had embarked , which was to give a sort of permanence to the past , was the one thing that kept him anchored to a chair and table all day , and often into the night .
29 In Conradin 's lonely , loveless world , his imagination was the only thing that kept him alive .
30 The only thing that kept him decent before was being poor .
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