Example sentences of "[noun] that led [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I want to take you through the thinking that led me to that conclusion , and then to concentrate on one of the keys to securing that future — the whole question of advancing the cause of children 's books .
2 The fourth series ( starting on Wednesday , BBC1 , 4.35pm ) covers plenty of ground quizzing people about relationships , models about their looks and one teenager with an obsession that led him to wash his hands until they bled .
3 It was this casualness that led him , as Edmund Wilson reported , to be humorous in private about his own reputation , and " offhand and vague " about matters he had once taken seriously .
4 It was Mr Nearn 's interest in the car that led him , in 1959 , to set up Caterham Car Sales and Coachworks with three friends .
5 Little Gabriels , out of control most of the time and impossible to educate , but with a fund of kindness that led them to rescue and foster wounded animals and plague her with them in the home .
6 Again , it was reason rather than faith that led him to believe that this was the only adequate ground for the proclamation of the universal offer of the Gospel .
7 Presumably it was both practical and political reasons that led him to the subject working party strategy .
8 It was not wickedness that led him into crime but a cheerfully impulsive nature and an almost complete lack of reasoning power .
9 A useful outcome is the third ingredient , for what would be the point of skills that led you to a useless outcome ?
10 The local police had had a busy evening with an exceptional number of hoax calls that led them to non-existent road accidents drunken brawls and even — a touch that showed a nice appreciation of British susceptibilities — a rabid dog on the loose .
11 The lack of judgement that led him to write to Routh in such a vein was Nora 's fault .
12 The Orc Warlord that led them was Azhag the Slaughterer , and under his command were tribes of Orcs and Goblins from the highlands around Red Eye Mountain .
13 He was a keen student of the scriptures , particularly the Book of Revelations , and while meditating in his Calabrian retreat on the mystery of the Trinity and how it related to the time-process he had moments of intense spiritual illumination that led him to formulate a new millenarian philosophy of history .
14 In interviews , Gedge said he was fascinated by the downside of Best 's character ; the flaws in his make-up that led him to skip training session and stay in discotheques ( as they were then called ) for hours after he had officially opened them .
15 But let me make it immediately clear what I mean by this ; what I mean to say is that Miss Kenton 's letter set off a certain chain of ideas to do with professional matters here at Darlington Hall , and I would underline that it was a preoccupation with these very same professional matters that led me to consider anew my employer 's kindly meant suggestion .
16 As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism .
17 Longings that led it where it went
18 I suppose it was discretion that led him to omit he was visiting General & Cumbria Assurance . ’
19 The high-flyers are easy to pick too , starting with the same title that led them in July last year , and for that matter back all the way to its expected original paperback appearance in April 1989 !
20 Not our questions about the problem of God , but God 's call and invitation to us determined the direction of his thought and shaped his writing ; and it was this basic orientation that led him on to the restatement of christological and trinitarian dogma as the foundation and horizon of theology itself .
21 The observations that led him to make the distinction are deceptively simple .
22 The defectors were not only great dancers , they had an extra quality of independence , a strong artistic character that led them to defect .
23 It was this kind of evidence that led us to use the social network model in a systematic way : as Ballymacarrett is the most stable and well-established of the communities , we can conclude that the social conditions there are favourable to the emergence of a close-knit network structure of the kind often found in low-status communities ( Young and Wilmott , 1962 ) , and there is ample ethnographic evidence that a close-knit structure of this kind is capable of imposing normative consensus on its members .
24 ‘ But that 's absurd really , because as soon as I 've … made love to anyone before — and it has n't been that often — I 've lost most of the feeling that led me there straight away , if you see what I mean . ’
25 It was the same mentality that led him into the folie de grandeur of thinking that , having been a champion driver , he was also fitted to run a motor-racing team — indeed , to think that he was better fitted to do so than those for whom he had worked and driven .
26 They had a vaporised block that led them to an idée fixe about test-tube fusion being real .
27 Indeed , it was his example that led me to see beneath the brilliance and beauty of Paris , where the plight of its dispossessed is mirrored in the experience of the very people — artists and intellectuals — who are responsible for its reputation .
28 The small procession moved on towards a set of metal stairs that led them down to the second landing .
29 One of the young people from our party carried the banner that led us .
30 I think it was the same drive that led me to invent a series of very complicated games with another school friend , Roger Ferneyhough .
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