Example sentences of "[noun] that everything [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was somewhere along the lane between Nunes and Hadleigh but so much vegetation had grown up that spring that everything looked different .
2 Even if that problem can be overcome , the vendors often then make a blanket disclosure to the effect that everything known to the management is disclosed against the warranties .
3 There is a law in physics , identified by Isaac Newton , which says in essence that everything falls apart without energy : if you do not maintain your house , it will fall down ; if you do not look after your business , it will fall apart .
4 And Hardy 's were probably the best known fishing tackle shop in the world and it got into the hands of one of the Hardy 's brothers and he said , ‘ May we market it under your name ? ’ and I said , ‘ My God , I 'd rather have that than a knighthood ’ — this was some years ago — and then Hardy 's were rationalized , which means of course that everything costs twice as much and there was n't as much in the shop .
5 Establish the tithe as a constant reminder that everything belongs to him .
6 The premise that everything started from was Andrus 's hostility to anything Moslem .
7 Well you , you , you , you , you know the , you know the , the scenario that everything goes wrong , you know , everything goes wrong you know from time to time and you say to yourself oh it 'll get better
8 I 'm such a picky person that everything has to be perfect . ’
9 Whether you are going abroad on holiday or business , The Royal Bank of Scotland allows you to relax in the knowledge that everything has been taken care of ; travellers cheques and eurocheques , foreign currency , Access , Visa and travel insurance .
10 But he could equally well have said one is enthusiasm and the other is cynicism , one is facility and the other is aridity , one is gregariousness and the other is solitude , one is the belief that no one has ever done anything of value before and the other is the belief that everything has already been done , one is spontaneity and the other is cerebration , one is joy and the other is despair , one is heart and the other is mind , one is the garret and the other is the penthouse , one is sincerity and the other is irony , one is Jung and the other is Freud , one is Rimbaud and the other is Mallarmé , one is wine and the other is coffee , one is rags and the other is riches , one is women and the other is celibacy , one is health and the other is disease , one is meat and the other is vegetables , one is life and the other is death , one is everything in upper case and the other is everything in lower case , one is everything in roman and the other is everything in italics .
11 It became a rule of the ‘ Carry On ’ outfit that everything had to be filmed within spitting distance of Pinewood — and there were real sergeants to carry on the business of teaching them what life in the Army was like .
12 Burton 's Welsh and hungry and visceral sense that everything had to be grabbed or it would be lost forever would be reinforced at this critical stage in his life by the fatalistically hedonistic mood which infected so many .
13 Similarly , Jackson , reminding us of the different varieties of bureaucrat identified by Downs ( 1967 ) , questions the assumption that everything contributing to a bureaucrat 's utility function can be represented by the bureau 's budget .
14 The idea that the only way of coping with the desuetude of the age , its profound certainty that everything has been said already , is by openly proclaiming this fact as itself the new fact , the idea that the only way of selling your article as original is to declare that it is repro , seems to run up against an ethical objection in a writer like Palandri , however sophisticated his own literary apparatus undoubtedly is .
15 It was during the meal that everything changed .
16 The driver was apparently unfamiliar with the area , and the need to call directions forward made questions and conversation impossible ; the only responses he could get were Langstone , a promise of explanations later , and another reassurance that everything had been cleared through his office .
17 Relativism asserts the view that everything given — this word being taken in the widest possible sense — can be grasped only in perspectives ; but this proposition itself is supposed to be valid absolutely , not just for one perspective .
18 Can I just ask about the the fact that everything 's made of greenwood ?
19 No element contributes more to the character of Vietnam — particularly in the deltas — than the fact that everything seems to happen on or in water .
20 The fact that everything relating to my loss was scribbled in children 's school jotters with cartoon covers was not exactly a boost to my confidence .
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