Example sentences of "[noun] that we ought " in BNC.

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1 There are two more branches of the much-divided tree of crime fiction that we ought to glance at in our discussion of books set in the past .
2 And I came to the conclusion that we ought to develop our own music , and let the natural children of rock — the Europeans and North Americans — do their own thing .
3 It seems to me that it ought to be our policy that we ought to try and locate people who go into these sorts of residencies as close to the people who will be concerned for their welfare as possible erm and that therefore there would be a strong case for making that sort of exception in those cases .
4 On this subject that we ought to carry on and and and
5 Erm of course two thousand and six is a consideration that we ought to look at once a new settlement location 's identified .
6 I think that 's a good point actually and that maybe target setting is sort of a training that we ought to do with all staff , I mean and I do n't know how much of that comes into this magic three hours .
7 So it would actually be very straightforward to do this , although not a couple of problems in this model that we ought to just say something about alright , the specification of four does present a couple of problems right .
8 The other thing that we ought to perhaps consider is whether you should change the timetable at all Richard to look at jobs that people expect will be taught .
9 The injunctions set the standards that we ought to live up to , and their effect is to make people 's self-esteem contingent on living up to them .
10 If they are rich , they can spend more on it , and will ; but there is no calculus which can tell us the optimum amount that we ought to spend on education , any more than on the relief of suffering and the cure of the sick , or on the arts .
11 Be we 've got a lot that we ought to be proud of .
12 In Britain the hostility of some to British political life is more explicit , with the implicit suggestion that we ought to solve our problems by handing over our powers of self government to those clever foreigners instead .
13 So when we look at the grimacing gestures of a chimpanzee and wonder at the almost ludicrous parallels with our own behaviour this is just part of a whole host of behavioural and anatomical similarities that show without doubt that we ought to be classified with the apes ( we are all of us primates ) , and that we share a distant ancestor with our diminutive caricatures .
14 What would commonly be taken as a characteristic example of the Naturalistic Fallacy is ethical hedonism , the doctrine that we ought to do what gives most pleasure .
15 It 's a way of as a Council taken the position that we ought to be spending your money effectively , right .
16 With these concepts in mind , Professor James ' WHO group came to the view that we ought to be concentrating on the positive aspects of the benefits of fruit and vegetables .
17 Erm , I take the view that we ought to try and make the existing arrangements work and we are fast approaching a very key point er in that process erm I understand that on Thursday , er securities and investments board , the board will consider the er P I A , proposed P I A prospectus and that er within a week or so we shall all be able to read it and to look at it erm and the key point , which really is arises out of what we 're discussing tonight , the key point is what regulatory framework should the P I A place on intermediaries and on er life assurance companies , pension funds , financial advisors generally er in order to ensure that the public interest is protected and that if there are potential frauds erm such as the Levitt case er that we talked about earlier and I think the honourable member in sort of by implication in terms of er community service , er punishments that he referred to , er had also that in mind , er just what should we do to ensure that if there is malpractice and fraud , it 's picked up very , very quickly .
18 Er as far as out-sourcing is concerned , when we learned that there could be two thousand jobs lost or out-sourced from British Aerospace , it was my opinion in line with those of our representatives that we ought to convene a meeting immediately of all shop stewards and representatives who would be covered er through those discussions and arrange and organize a strategy to oppose it .
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