Example sentences of "[noun] i could hear " in BNC.

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1 As I crouched in the slit trench in the semi-darkness I could hear the odd British shell that had been intended for the Germans but had dropped short in the orchard explode with a terrific roar close at hand , causing a shower of dirt to fall from the roof of the trench .
2 I moved so quietly I barely stirred the dust , yet now in the English winter I could hear a spectral echo of angry laughter and I thought it was my own .
3 Through the open window I could hear the two younger ones laughing at Hareton 's coarse way of speaking .
4 From somewhere on the hillside I could hear the clip-clop of a cow 's feet .
5 As soon as I entered the room I could hear little pockets of chatter coming from various parts of the audience .
6 At night I could hear owls hooting , and the stupendous palace was only three minutes walk away .
7 It got incredibly painful , and in bed at night I could hear a munching sound , definitely coming from me , which stopped for a bit if I touched the swelling .
8 At midnight I could hear cars honk their horns .
9 Ambulances were screaming back and forth , and then in the distance I could hear the rumble of tanks …
10 In the distance I could hear something , something I had to pay attention to .
11 Each time I stopped to catch my breath I could hear his voice in the distance shouting , " Jane !
12 Through the door I could hear the music from the bar .
13 It was dark and windy outside , and before I went to sleep I could hear a dog growling in the distance .
14 Now in his voice I could hear , through the flattening cosmopolitan overlay , the unmistakable lilt of the islands .
15 Then when I came near the broken house and stood in the moon shadow I could hear and see nothing .
16 I did n't quite close the door , and after a few moments I could hear her footsteps walking briskly past .
17 That way I could hear it faintly in the shop and the soft music would help the atmosphere .
18 From the half open door of Alan 's office I could hear , albeit indistinctly , the unhesitating flow of his address to his machine .
19 At the same time I could hear someone tapping frantically on the glass door of the kiosk , someone far too anxious to clamber in with me .
20 I risked them seeing me so as to try to hear , but in fact by the time I could hear them they were shouting , which meant I could listen through the doorway without seeing them or being seen .
21 After a time I could hear distant shouts .
22 In fact I could hear the click of the b buckeye coupling .
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