Example sentences of "[noun] i be using " in BNC.

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1 Now in this particular case I 'm using a tap funnel Tap funnel just as it 's it 's Erm the concentrated acid you do n't just sort of pour it in and run away and leave it to it .
2 ‘ It would be nice to grab a few goals and with that in mind I 'm using all three of our main strikers . ’
3 You see , you know I was talking to you earlier about , about punchlines basically , but I ca n't remember the words I was using for it , times like by the way , right right , or did you know or did I mention to you do you follow me , a lot of key lines that you can think on that you use
4 right , you 'll gather a bit of string , I 'm not saying you 'll use the words I 'm using , but the theme , do you see the theme that I 'm talking about , about moving people and
5 For amps I 'm using a THD ( Tweed Fender Bassman 4x10 style ) and an old white Tolex Fender Bassman piggyback set up with a Marshall 4x12 cabinet .
6 I did his tape copy on the machine I was using for echo and it was switched to vari-speed , so the copy was played at almost half the speed and when he got it home and wanted to play it to his friends , it sounded rather strange .
7 ‘ Before the Firebird I was using an old Gibson ES-175 up until about 1971 , ’ details Sonny .
8 At the moment I 'm using Wella 's Sanara range , which I like as it 's so gentle .
9 ‘ This is the wing I 'm using at the moment , ’ he told her .
10 This meant that I was free to respond to the effects that developed as I worked and I got a feel both for the subject and the pastels I was using .
11 Well this guy … ’ he paused for a moment to remember the name I was using , ‘ well this guy Dempsey knew . ’
12 This is just to remind me of the feel of the rod and the weight of the tackle I am using .
13 A problem , because I do n't want a full-blooded plant-growing lighting set-up — in fact I could n't fit one in on the budget and in any case the undergravel and media I 'm using might not be conducive to growth .
14 In the remainder of the discussion in this paper I am using the term ‘ psychic ’ in these senses , although it may seem , at times , in the descriptions of psychic phenomena that these processes are static and fixed .
15 So I wrote it along the top of the er paper I was using .
16 I could also see the colour of paint I was using due to the pearly-white bristles .
17 In fact , as I have developed this chapter , I realise that within the definition I am using they are exactly the same thing .
18 Dworkin confirms this himself when he points out that Rawls 's basic liberties ‘ are in fact rights in the sense I am using ’ .
19 The only other thing I 'm using right now is a Korg A2 ; it 's got all the effects I need in it .
20 The mosquito net I was using was less than perfect and my limbs touched the net at night , so the mosquitoes lined up on the net and bit me through it .
21 Taylor points out , though : ‘ It 's down to me to make sure that everyone sticks together , and from what I 've seen there is no feeling of resentment among the other lads about the way I 'm using Paul .
22 ‘ When I was working in Bishopsgate I was using a different method , ’ Dexter explained .
23 Such attention to surface forms is also , of course , necessary for the researcher ; one aspect of the form of English I am using now , and of that used by Labov , Greenfield and Olson , is its attempt at explicitness .
24 I am reminded of the lesson I took in a school in Sylhet which I described in my first article and the way the understanding of the task helped the children to understand the English I was using .
25 The yarn I was using was cotton , a double knitting weight and not the best for cabling at any time and I did need to have cables , since I had sketched them into my design .
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