Example sentences of "[noun] for [pers pn] to take " in BNC.

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1 It shocked my manager a lot too and he 's going to be concentrating on a big relaunch of Suzanne over the next while so I think it 's a good opportunity for me to take my career more into my own hands . ’
2 It was close enough to the cottage for her to take an early morning dip or a quick swim before dinner .
3 We had gone to the Council Offices to obtain permission for him to take it with him .
4 We can agree with him therefore that the Pioneers were wrong in their view that the abolition of workers ' rights , expressed as a bonus to labour , was a misdirection of the Movement — but wrong only because there was then no other direction for it to take .
5 Perhaps this surrender to the invading power of God 's Spirit , this willingness for him to take us and break us and use us , IS one of the prime lessons which the charismatic movement throughout the churches is teaching us at the present time .
6 His name was a plea for him to take control and end this before it began .
7 Lucy had already decided that this would be the wisest course for her to take .
8 If they wished to prevent Labour forming a government , they would have to come to an arrangement with Baldwin , rather than any other Conservative ; and since the Liberals had only just fought an election opposing Baldwin 's policy of Protection , this would be a difficult course for them to take .
9 It remains then to show that this is the right course for us to take .
10 In fact , as things stand I see it as the only course for you to take
11 This is too big a responsibility for us to take on our own .
12 Daphne has no money for him to take , but there is the perennial fear of seduction .
13 The not-so-dour Scot knows it will be a unique experience for him to take the visitor 's dressing room at the citadel where his deeds as player and manager became legend — as did his departure .
14 He made clear on 27 November what he felt was the best action for him to take in his capacity as a Law Officer .
15 We had a trysting-place , the cat and I , a strip of tiled pavement behind the villa surrounded by bushes for it to take refuge in should Marie Claire or Nour approach .
16 And we 'll have lots of letters and little presents for you to take our family if you do decide to go ! "
17 Where the peasantry remained ‘ pre-commercial , ’ as in large parts of Russia and among the emancipated slaves of the Americas who returned to subsistence peasant agriculture , the estate retained this advantage , but without the physical compulsions of serfdom or slavery it now found it more difficult to obtain labour , unless the former slaves or serfs were landless or so short of land as to be obliged to become hired labourers — and unless there was no more attractive labour for them to take .
18 It also has an ensuite bathroom facility , with all sorts of things in little sealed packets for you to take home for your children .
19 If the obvious person to handle the case is busy will it be possible for them to delegate enough of the work for them to take it ?
20 He says you lot ca n't play and it 's getting to him , it 's too much work for him to take on , what with his writing and everything .
21 He stood in the door of the milking house , holding out the buckets for her to take .
22 Jeff added : ‘ BNFL people from several sites have collected food and clothing for us to take out in previous years and I would be grateful if people could help again .
23 All these are important matters for you to take into account if you are not to become embroiled in their , probably very old , business together .
24 Do you want more tapes for them to take away ?
25 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
26 The many different Rocastle transfer rumours ( ‘ ROCKY XVIII : The Move to Derby ’ ) , and appeals for him to take the first-team field .
27 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
28 There was never any need for her to take the initiative or inveigle him into bed .
29 It , it highlights the need for us to take a rational approach does it not , to er , the local government review , and realize that cooperation is essential between all parties concerned for the best interests of Shropshire as , as a whole , the people of Shropshire as a whole .
30 ‘ I mean , there 's no need for you to take me out for a meal . ’
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