Example sentences of "[noun] of sir [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Our last Letters are dated Hobart Town Feb. 9 up to which time his expedition had been eminently successful ; far more so than he could have anticipated ; the most liberal assistance had been rendered him by the Authorities , everything that could facilitate his views being cheerfully accorded : while nothing could exceed the kindness of Sir John and Lady Franklin in whose house he was then residing : in fact so much were they interested in his pursuits that upon more than one occasion they accompanied him in his exploring parties .
2 Amaranth fell into a gentle sleep at more or less the same time as did the bulk of Sir Teddy Taylor 's conference audience .
3 Their Lordships gratefully adopt the reasoning of Sir John Donaldson M.R. which applies equally to the Order of 1910 now under consideration .
4 Rugby in South Wales and football in central Scotland reflected a new sense of working-class cultural nationalism which was distinct from the bardic celebrations in Wales and the romanticism of readers of Sir Walter Scott and nostalgic expatriates .
5 No doubt she encouraged Mr Macmillan at a time when he needed some encouragement ; and there seemed little danger to the Constitution in this fact being revealed in 1973 to those readers of Sir Harold 's memoirs who had stayed the course through the Winds of Change , the Blast of War , and the Tides of Fortune to the End of the Day .
6 Likewise , Minton 's huge harbour scene , returned from the Lefevre , was sent off to the Royal Academy 's 1949 Summer Exhibition where it attracted the ridicule of Sir Alfred Munnings .
7 There is no mention of Sir Edmond or Stockport in the patent roll of 1550 , but the properties transferred by Thomas Fereby ( " messuages in the parishes of St. John Zachary , St. Michael in Woodstrete , St. Mary at Bowe and St. Mary de Aldermary " ) do appear , valued at £2 13 4d , and described as " for the anniversary of Thomas £10 .
8 ITN would be unable to overcome the loss of Sir Alastair Burnet , he told TV Times — ‘ Without him it looks like a scratch team . ’
9 If only prudent allowance is made for the loss of Sir Charles 's personal cross-party vote , the participation of three other candidates and the tactical switch of a significant number of Labour supporters , it will be seen that Mr Taylor 's defeat was indeed a close run thing .
10 A group of armed Covenanters , under the command of Sir Robert Hamilton of Preston , East Lothian , had assembled at Rutherglen , and being opposed to Charles , had travelled all over the district , extinguishing the bonfires and stopping the celebrations .
11 His reports on the collections brought him to the notice of the British scientific establishment and led to his appointment as naturalist in HMS Bulldog during a voyage under the command of Sir Leopold M ‘ Clintoch in 1860 to investigate a possible northern route for the proposed north Atlantic telegraph cable .
12 Indirect Rule with capital letters was born in Northern Nigeria in the first decade of the twentieth century , as a result of Sir Frederick Lugard 's compulsion to justify and elaborate in writing his decision to administer the newly conquered Fulani emirates by installing a British Resident at each of the emirate courts .
13 As you know , I 'm investigating the murder of Sir Conrad Meredith-Lee and I wondered if you had any suggestions as to who might be responsible . ’
14 It subsequently emerged that Lady Essex had been administering debilitating potions to her husband and was implicated in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury , who knew too much about this .
15 her accomplice in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury [ q.v . ] .
16 The evil thing that came into my house that night — as Jekyll told me — was known by the name of Hyde , and was wanted by the police for the murder of Sir Danvers Carew .
17 Two months before the murder of Sir Danvers Carew I went out on one of my evil adventures .
18 James Gillespie Graham 's The Chapel of St Anthony the Eremite at Murthly , Perthshire , the seat of Sir William Drummond Stewart ( Edinburgh , 19850 ) was purchased with a grant from the Friends of the National Libraries and donations from Scottish members .
19 The Marprelate press then moved to Fawsley , the Northamptonshire seat of Sir Richard Knightley [ q.v. ] , an enthusiast not entirely compos mentis whose affairs were in Carleton 's hands .
20 The agent of Sir Edward Kinaston approached a certain Clarke for rent , when he was ‘ cutting peates on Haremeare Mosse …
21 The idea of the great house as a pattern for everyone is already an anachronism in the mind of Sir Leicester .
22 Fear may have contributed — fear of Sir Alexander 's wrath .
23 ‘ Yes , and all the fault of Sir Ralph Whitton , the constable .
24 I liked to hear the verse , and enjoyed declaiming it , but only if there was no one to hear me , for I knew that my voice held all the fine cadences of Sir Tom himself .
25 Comforting images of Sir Len batting still fell like a warm velvet hood over Yorkshire eyes .
26 One substantial surviving tower house , about five miles north-east of Sir Walter Scott 's grave in Dryburgh abbey , is that of Smailholm :
27 Even more did she rely on the guidance of Sir Keith Joseph , another rebel against the Heath interlude , whose speeches in 1974 first traced the clear lines of monetarism and market strategy which by 1979 had become the orthodoxy in many Conservative circles .
28 In his enthusiasm , and being no lover of Sir Thomas , he quite forgot to offer her his condolences .
29 These included estates in Northamptonshire of Sir Christopher Hatton [ q.v. ] , and lands of City institutions such as St Bartholomew 's Hospital , Christ 's Hospital ( of which he was a governor from 1603/4 to his death ) , and the Brewers ' , Clothworkers ' , and Leathersellers ' Companies .
30 Other triangular trade centred on the East Indies , where he had been associated with the interloping of Sir William Courteen [ q.v. ] against the East India Company from the late 1630s .
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