Example sentences of "[noun] of thing [that] " in BNC.

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1 Maggie knew , even as she heard it , that Phoebe did not mean anything of the sort ; it was the kind of thing that Rachel dragged you into saying .
2 It created this mushroom kind of thing that people stared at .
3 Robertson Nicoll told A. S. Peake in 1898 , ‘ You would not believe what hosts of letters I get , and do not print , about the kind of thing that is preached in many of our chapels just now , especially by the younger men ’ .
4 It is the first of this kind of thing that I have organised and I would like it to be a success .
5 And yet this is the kind of thing that made a fortune for Dr Tarnower and is , in its way , replicated in all diet books : this mixture of ruthlessness , optimism and fatuity .
6 The evidence was of the way in which the rocks of the oceanic crust are magnetized ; it 's not the kind of thing that one comes across every day , so it will take a bit of explaining .
7 Furthermore , protesting one 's innocence will be seen as the kind of thing that everyone who is convicted does .
8 A few years ago they were making some of the best pop singles you could play on a jukebox : ‘ Something About You ’ , ‘ Leaving Me Now ’ , ‘ Lessons In Love ’ , all the kind of thing that you felt you were going to be sick of hearing before long but which still sounded good after the thousandth time .
9 He frowned , pulled the napkin from his lap and laid it on the table as he stood up , shrugging apologetically to his mother , seeming to indicate that it was the kind of thing that had happened before , from time to time .
10 He did n't want to get on worse terms with his mother , from whom he hoped to get a loan for his holiday in Greece , nor did he want the kind of thing that might have happened , his mother phoning hospitals or getting the police because they could have had an accident in Goblander .
11 Yet that sort of worry is the kind of thing that makes him so exciting . ’
12 ‘ I 'd had a novel published when I was 16 , really quite a poor novel called The Kids , the kind of thing that people write when they 're in the fifth form , except that mine got published .
13 That 's the kind of thing that will get to you and make a difference in eight months of being in a popular band with a lot of money .
14 OK , on paper it all sounds like nausea-inducing stuff , the kind of thing that would cause any self-respecting Popkid to pack up his T-shirts and join the next peace convoy out of town .
15 Reportedly it was a soup-to-nuts A-to-Z kind of thing that ISVs rejected out of hand as offering them nothing .
16 Other Council 's like Harlow do have central policy units which is what we would be described as , because people recognition that it 's important that you need to have people who are outside departments looking at the organisation as a whole , what it 's doing , where it 's going , how it 's being influenced by external organisation 's , i.e. what the Health Service are doing locally , or what the Government 's doing more significantly , erm , I think you need people looking around to see how the Council 's affected and what , what were doing in and taking an overall view and responding in that way and that 's the kind of thing that we do and that 's why were here .
17 It 's also tied to the fact that were , we have less money than we used to because of the introduction of Poll Tax , it is tied to that cos we are constrained but , erm that 's the kind of thing that we get brought into to support , erm and then another area is progressing policy initiative 's in other Council departments .
18 We do n't of course see the kind of thing that went on in Germany under Hitler , but you feel a disaster is waiting , another disaster of some kind is waiting .
19 Andy overtook a container lorry , the kind of thing that should never have been on that road , and hit a Volvo estate car coming in the opposite direction .
20 it 's a kind of thing that I think could be put and take and people could pick up at the box office
21 It was n't the kind of thing that grew on you .
22 I suggest that statements of the foregoing kind sum up what in modern times is a popular view of the kind of thing that scientific knowledge is .
23 Kind of thing that advertises a new electronics package .
24 The ballad was ancient , the kind of thing that only an old man would enjoy .
25 I can not explain the meaning of " joy " by pointing to someone with glowing eyes and a smile on his face , and saying " This is an example of joy " , as I might explain the meaning of " tree " by pointing to a tree and saying " This is a tree " , or " This is an example of the kind of thing that we call a tree " .
26 And I think that 's the kind of thing that needs to be done .
27 Of course , it 's not the kind of thing that everyone would want to get involved in … ’
28 But it 's a strange kind of thing that happened in this part of the country , the kind of story you get in Suffolk and Norfolk .
29 This is the kind of thing that people want to see .
30 ‘ It 's not the kind of thing that would influence you , of course , ’ says Caroline , ‘ but the prospects would be quite good . ’
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