Example sentences of "[noun] of different groups " in BNC.

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1 Social Darwinism , with its emphasis on the survival of the fittest and chance variation , denied the effects of will , conscious planning and human agency in evolution , and of altering the fixed characteristics of different groups or races .
2 By comparing the labour supply data of different groups facing different tax rates over time , it is possible to build statistical models that include a measure of labour supply response .
3 The general subordination of the British state to the interests of civil society has limited the relative autonomy of state groups , although they have had a certain freedom to ‘ navigate ’ between the competing demands of different groups and classes , for example in the realm of industrial relations ( Edwards 1986 : 168–72 ) .
4 However , it is difficult to find evidence that this brought about fundamental ideological shifts on the part of different groups — notably , within Whitehall .
5 Although psychological explanations tend to concentrate upon the individual worker within the organisation , we can also examine the role of individuals as members of groups and note how the existence of different groups , both formal and informal , have an important role to play in developing our understanding of organisations .
6 but through the compromise and agreement of a variety of different groups .
7 Jacobitism became attractive to a variety of different groups in the 1690s , including commonwealth Whigs , although at this time it still had little support in society at large .
8 The general principle governing the work is that the determination of income of different groups is subject to identifiable , changeable ‘ rules ’ ( which are not always explicitly stated in any formal way ) .
9 The Project 's approach has been to build up the confidence and self-awareness of different groups to a stage where contact and co-operation among them will be facilitated .
10 It was the constraints of formality , the manners and mores of different groups that caused alienation .
11 The effects of an intervention can be clarified if we compare the experiences of different groups , such as recipients and non-recipients of services .
12 The arts , and the new cultural development , can provide space for reflection on disability life from the rich variety of experiences of different groups of disabled people .
13 More recent approaches have focused on issues such as the distribution of income , housing , access to services , and the needs and experiences of different groups of older people according to class , gender and race ( Townsend , 1981 ; Norman , 1985 ; Phillipson and Walker , 1986 ; Arber and Ginn , 1991 ) .
14 The research project will investigate these evolving patterns in a life course context to describe the experiences of different groups over time , and to attempt to explain the factors which have been responsible for these changes .
15 Clearly , there will also be some overlap between the experiences and concerns of different groups within the ageing population , and between disabled people of all ages .
16 Well , we deal with a wide range of different groups , and erm we 've got to produce a best advice list , and er we try to find you the best contract available in the market .
17 The third section , ‘ Schemes of Work ’ , shows how computers can be used to meet the needs of different groups of students .
18 The set contains two short videos , one audio cassette , five manuals , several leaflets and posters , some or all of which can be used according to the needs of different groups .
19 A flexible array of services is called for that can meet the very varied needs of different groups of the mentally ill .
20 An understanding of the curriculum and the needs of different groups of pupils is essential to the success of any curriculum-related database , while an awareness of the skills required to find and use information is an important factor for any teacher setting an assignment which involves pupils in information handling .
21 It is useful for these trials to cover quite a wide range of classes to test the reaction of different groups of children and also to give the teacher and observers the opportunity to see how effective their use of the unit becomes with experience .
22 In fact these forms provide particularly striking examples of the process of struggle — crossing the lines of development of media , content and practice , and relating them to the positions of different groups — which is a more accurate picture of the general history than any simple structure of antitheses .
23 A large number of societies and associations promote the welfare of different groups of disabled people — large societies such as the Spastics Society and small spontaneously formed groups of , for example , muscular dystrophy sufferers .
24 The most pessimistic viewpoint is that the brains of different groups of mammals have very little in common because they evolved separately from a common ancestral form in which the brain was relatively formless , lacking the distinctive sub-divisions that can be identified in the brains of modern mammals .
25 Conflict may be caused by differences in the objectives of different groups or individuals .
26 The point of this exercise is to begin to derive a picture of how economic growth and development , as they have been generally defined , are related to the extent that the measures available permit us to draw some conclusions about the relative positions on a world scale of different groups of countries .
27 Pupils should gain increasing understanding that texts may be related to the interests of different groups — such as women or men , adolescents or minorities of different kinds — and that critical thinking about existing stereotypes and values can be stimulated by studying literature which expresses alternative points of view : for example , on the family , nature and industrialisation , the nation or literature itself .
28 Where differences can be found in language use and mental skills , they are more appropriately described as cultural conventions than seen as evidence for profound disjunctures in mental development between members of different groups .
29 Hierarchical ranking operated within each social grouping as well as between members of different groups .
30 This consists of concentric circles defining the limits of different groups of housing ( see fig 6 ) .
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