Example sentences of "[noun] directly into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Direct investment : the inflow of foreign investment directly into UK enterprises ( as when Ford , a UK company , builds a new plant in the UK or takes over a UK firm ) and the investment of British firms in foreign plants
2 The main road is no less attractive and much quicker , passing the residence of Gate , a Victorian house built in mock Tudor style , and many delectable wayside cottages before crossing the Dee and , after being joined by a road from Barbondale near the ancient settlement of Gawthrop , heads directly into Dent Town .
3 ‘ They 're ways of recycling first-year money directly into third-year pockets — from students who do n't know how to spend it to those who really need it .
4 It will be a matter of making a good landing directly into wind , if that is possible , and of hoping for a minimum of damage to the glider .
5 Birch argued that the government was avoiding informing the public that it allowed companies to discharge dangerous chemicals and heavy metals directly into rivers .
6 As Walker points out , it smacks of question-begging to translate animal gestures directly into words ; but there is no alternative .
7 Gordon Jackson , QC , defending , said that the accused had not plunged the knife directly into Mr Kerr nine times , but had stabbed him in the course of the struggle .
8 ULSTER pensioners have reacted with horror to Government proposals to pay pensions directly into bank accounts .
9 Without doubt , when the need occurs , this method of by-passing the roots and ‘ injecting ’ deficient nutrients directly into foliage is extremely valuable and can not be denied .
10 This User Guide explains how to use LIFESPAN ABLE , the ASSISTED BULK LIFESPAN ENTRY Program , which allows a user to enter large volumes of software directly into LIFESPAN .
11 Making electricity : Photovoltaics is the technology of converting sunlight directly into electricity .
12 Until recently , police raiding illegal factories added to the problem by disposing of the chemicals directly into streams , a practise which has now ceased .
13 Ends of branches that make a connection directly into manholes are called gullies , and these are all fitted with ‘ U ’ or ‘ S ’ traps to form a water seal .
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