Example sentences of "[noun] assume the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Brunei assumed the chair of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) in mid-1988 , as a result of which the annual Foreign Ministers ' meeting was held in Bandar Seri Begawan in July 1989 [ see p. 36817 ] .
2 When it drew up its ideas for 1994-97 , the Clinton administration assumed the Bush programme was underfunded by $10 billion .
3 Fernando Manfredo assumed the post of acting administrator of the Panama Canal on Jan. 1 , 1990 , in succession to Gen. ( retd ) Dennis P. McAuliffe , who had held the post since 1979 .
4 In effect the exporter assumes the role of a buyer and has to market the counter-purchased goods .
5 In a reshuffle on July 14 , 1990 , Maj. Osvaldo Lopes da Silva was replaced as Minister of Transport , Trade and Tourism by Omar Lima , and Pires assumed the Defence portfolio from Maj. Julio de Carvalho , who was hitherto prominent in the party leadership .
6 Such reasoning assumed the centrality of the sun .
7 In 1749 for the first time a single system of tactics was laid down for the entire army , while in 1765 the Hofkriegsrath assumed the power to appoint to all ranks above that of captain and from 1776 an organized State military transport corps began to be built up .
8 It is obviously unwise for a minority shareholder to assume the obligations of the whole contract .
9 The majestic Schönbrunn and Belvedere Castles assume the attention of artists great and amateur , and locals sip coffee in timeworn cafés .
10 Monoculture assumes the domination of the single majority culture : that ‘ they ’ will be subsumed into ‘ us ’ .
11 A constitutional amendment was approved abolishing the State Council and providing for the election of a State President ; on an interim basis , Bergmann-Pohl assumed the post of acting head of state on April 9 ( replacing Manfred Gerlach who had held the post since December 1989 — see p. 37108 ) .
12 — after death the heart assumes the shape of a pyramid .
13 Planning Minister Paulo Haddad assumed the Economy and Finance portfolio in addition to his own following the resignation on Dec. 16 of Gustavo Krause after only two months in office [ for his appointment see p. 39139 , where his surname is wrongly given as Kraus ] .
14 Japanese for Business & Travel is an introduction to Japanese ( the course assumes the pupil has no prior knowledge ) and is composed of questions about vocabulary , grammar and culture .
15 If the surety is a customer or if the creditor assumes the röle of advisor , it may be that the creditor will be found to have owed a contractual or tortious duty of care to the surety .
16 How and why sport assumes the status of a central life interest for black kids are the questions I set out to answer in chapter eight .
17 Ali Kafi assumed the position of president of the High Committee of State ( HCS ) on July 2 , following the assassination of Mohammed Boudiaf three days earlier [ see also p. 38981 ] .
18 Panic assumed the Defence portfolio and gave Minister without Portfolio Ljubisa Rakic responsibility for co-ordinating the government 's international activities .
19 The Rev E P Tompson was the first Chairman of its Executive Committee and in that capacity led the work forward to the point at which it was accepted as the youth club arm of Scripture Union , and a member of the SU Council assumed the chair .
20 An elected National Development Council ( CND ) , which in 1986 drafted a national charter to serve as the basis for a new Constitution , was superseded by a National Assembly elected in December 1989 , when the CND assumed the role of an economic and social council .
21 It was not till 1879 , however , that the Portadown Circuit assumed the form familiar over the years : Thomas Street , Edenderry ( services took place in the Tabernacle before the first church was built ) , Edgarstown , Mahon , Battlehill , Scotch Street , Derryanville , Derryall , Ballinary and Cloncore .
22 Alexander assumed the throne of Montenegro in 1918 when the French government , in league with the Serbian , refused to allow the old man to go back to Montenegro after his wartime exile in France .
23 From the antislavery perspective this would also make them readier to assume the responsibilities of freedom .
24 Sanjurjo had been killed in an air accident on 20 July , on his way to Pamplona to assume the leadership of the rising .
25 The professor will be a member ex officio of the committee , and will be expected from time to time to hold offices such as that of Chairman of the Committee or Director of Graduate Studies , and in due course to assume the duties of professor in charge of the Institute , which are customarily rotated by arrangement .
26 On Sept. 17 the Minister of Law and Order Hernus Kriel assumed the duties of the Minister of Justice , Kobie Coetsee , who had suffered a heart attack .
27 It was impossible to see his face , but Tyler assumed the man to be Beth 's husband , Wilson Ryan , who according to Ben was a man of considerable reputation in the millinery world , not without fortune , and most certainly the ideal partner for Beth .
28 High modernist aura assumes the production of a unique work of art by ( legitimation for this comes from Romanticism ) the single creative individual producer .
29 Usually , one then treats one set of relations as problematic and.simply assumes the existence of the other , as if it were some sort of indeterminate background noise or , more contentiously , assigns truth to one and falsity to the other .
30 Zia assumed the presidency in September 1978 and was confirmed in this office ( by referendum ) in December 1984 for a five-year term beginning in March 1985 .
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