Example sentences of "[noun] once and for " in BNC.

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1 She rejected all ideas of agreements with other parties and pledged Labour to fight Orange and Green until Derry was ‘ rid of Toryism once and for all .
2 Let's keep our roads safe and tighten motoring law to rid our roads of these death traps once and for all .
3 If not the Securitate , with the help of its ‘ special measures ’ , or even psychiatrists with their drugs , would change the victim 's mind once and for all .
4 He 'd relayed the news to Harry , hoping it would put his fickle sister out of his friend 's mind once and for all .
5 Anyway he decided to complete his transactions once and for all .
6 Why not simply take the hint and turn his back on the village once and for all ?
7 On the first anniversary of that invasion , when thousands of Czechoslovak demonstrators were dispersed on Mr Husak 's orders by the police with military support , he was awarded the Order of Lenin , the highest honour the Russians could give him , and his acceptance of it sealed his fate once and for all Within two years of becoming party leader he purged all but 26 of the central committee members who had been in office before the invasion .
8 Does not the Prime Minister realise that , after 40 years in which this country has been dogged by the uncertainty of its position in Europe , he had the opportunity to answer that question once and for all , and he ducked it ?
9 A source close to the princess said last night that her refusal to attend the family get-together was her boldest show of defiance so far , to prove her independence once and for all .
10 Mr Marland wants action to clean up the mess once and for all .
11 ‘ It is time the bosses met with us to thrash out this mess once and for all . ’
12 In July 1914 , after Serbian nationalists had assassinated the Habsburg heir apparent , the Austrian government resolved to crush the Serbian menace once and for all .
13 And a chance to do away with that old blackguard Jake once and for all … and NO DANGER !
14 It was not plain sailing and orthodox and ‘ liberal ’ Communists will be at each others ' throats — at local level — until they hold a full congress next January to determine new policies once and for all and to approve new leaders .
15 Many parents who have given their children a clear understanding of right and wrong , and those who have laid the foundation of Christian faith , may feel at this stage that their children are rejecting their values once and for all .
16 So , in 1978 , she called in the Rev Victor Malan , of All Saints Church , Northampton , to exorcise the ghost once and for all .
17 Shelter director Sheila McKechnie , welcoming the drop , said : ‘ With one last push , we can end the use of B&B once and for all . ’
18 Could I make an appointment to see her at the Education Office to sort out the dinner money debts once and for all — hopefully .
19 If we were to wind up the POWs fund and pay out the money once and for all to all POWs that we could find , we could run into severe problems in the next 10 to 15 years as these chaps get very old and need help even more .
20 Someone with an elephant 's memory who might be about to finger Mills once and for all . ’
21 The formation of such a vacuum is a dangerous possibility which will be avoided only if the nations of the world make a concerted effort to clean up the religious chaos once and for all .
22 But they are also leaking goals , so we can nail our Boundary Park jinx once and for all . ’
23 I 'll start as soon as I can , ’ she promised suddenly , knowing as the words were spoken that they sealed her decision once and for all .
24 Put an end to flyaway hair once and for all with the new Smoothing Complex from the Professional Hair Care System at Boots .
25 At times she is whimsical as on a visit by Princess Margaret to Jamaica in 1955 : ‘ May I go on record once and for all — I hate to bend the knee , except to God , and even then not too often . ’
26 However , a multi-oppression approach demonstrated to youth workers once and for all the importance of making the connections , and that Girls ' Work is Youth Work .
27 Suddenly the need to know the truth once and for all was too great .
28 ‘ Having seen him about six times , and having spoken to most of their leaders , I believe that the time is right for us to talk to them now , to end this whole conflict once and for all .
29 He pleaded , hardly sounding like the tough guy the public identified him with , ‘ Surely there must be some way for a person falsely accused of disloyalty to clear his name once and for all ?
30 One could dismiss this factor once and for all merely by saying that any aspect of conventional harmony ( triadic chords , cadences , etc. ) must be avoided .
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