Example sentences of "[adj] be usually because " in BNC.

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1 A small proportion of people develop a headache after lumbar puncture but this is usually because they have been too active too soon after the test .
2 This is usually because they 've never thought much about Christianity and the only opinions that they have got are ones that they 've picked up from their parent(s) or the TV .
3 This is usually because they have not been adjusted correctly , something has loosened in use or they have not been put on correctly in the first place .
4 A few people take elocution or voice projection and control lessons , but this is usually because they are interested in a career on the stage , rather than because they want to improve their communication skills .
5 This is usually because the vision in one of her eyes is less good than the other and the brain has ‘ switched off ’ this eye , letting the better one do all the work .
6 This is usually because it is felt that they can not cope with anything at a higher level or with more demanding work — they ‘ can not concentrate ’ , ‘ can not transfer knowledge from one situation to another ’ , ‘ can not remember from one day to the next ’ , ‘ can not cope with sequential tasks ’ , ‘ get confused by experiencing more than one way of doing something ’ , and most definitely ‘ can not do fractions ’ .
7 It is rare for such declarations to be made — but that is usually because people have n't given any thought as to how best to behave and therefore have nothing to declare .
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