Example sentences of "[adj] be [adv] 10 " in BNC.

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1 Thomson , whose companies include Horizon , Skytours , OSL , HCI and Wings , announced its new prices as it was revealed that bookings for 1993 are already 10 per cent down on last year .
2 This is around 10 per cent .
3 This is about 10 16 times the mass of the proton , or unc g ( 10 nanograms ) .
4 This is about 10 more , she says , than would have been expected From the whole 8000 servicemen who , she says , took part in the South Pacific tests between 1957 and 1958 .
5 Moreover if , as seemed likely , CO 2 was the dominant atmospheric constituent then the greenhouse effect of CO 2 could only maintain such temperatures if the column mass of atmospheric CO 2 was about 10 6 kg/m 2 .
6 29% of these are under 10 hectares in size , 44% between 10 and 35 hectares , 24% between 35 and 100 hectares and 3% over 100 hectares .
7 But before he got into his aircraft to complete his detail he presented 20 piastres to Fagan , Fagan looked at the 20 piastres — and the 20 piastre piece was a great thing like a cartwheel , very large and bigger by far than an old-fashioned crown , some 2-2 ½ ″ wide , Fagan looked at this and the doctor said : I am sorry about the shit I blew over everybody — there is my fine , " Fagan looked at it and said " Doe , the fine was only 10 piastres . "
8 The situation in this respect is better for those at the younger end of the group than at the other , but a man or woman who was 40 in 1978 was only 10 in 1948 ; an impressionable age and a time before there was much relaxation in sexual codes .
9 Two out of five are under 10 years old .
10 However , I believe — perhaps the Minister will confirm this — that , in the last year for which we have the figures , the import of such waste has gone down to 44,000 tonnes , although that is still 10 times higher than in 1981-82 .
11 Apple Computer , the Cinderella company that has risen from the backyard to a worldwide name in six years , is going to give a computer to every public and private school in the state — that 's about 10 000 computers with a retail value of almost $20 million .
12 If they manage to collect 50kg of the slag which is washed ashore from the coalmines further up the coast they 'll be paid 80 pesos , that 's about 10 pence .
13 From the reflux group , manometry was performed in only 60 cases showing a low distal oesophageal sphincter pressure in 53% of them ( below 10 mm Hg ) , while in 11 patients with Barrett 's oesophagus , this sphincter was below 10 mm Hg in all .
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