Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] problems that " in BNC.

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1 This has the particular advantage of avoiding possible political problems that may have occurred if a more radical strategy had been adopted , because the workplace and working relationships will probably remain intact , although the roles of the employees in it may change .
2 The current deteriorating standards of living and acute social problems that owe so much of their origin to the decline in the economy suggest that the inheritance at the time of Independence of a highly developed mining sector was a very mixed blessing : the lack of balance it occasioned in the economic base has resulted in serious economic and social disequilibrium with the locus of control resting as much with decisions made in the London Metal Market as with policies established in Lusaka .
3 We are helping with some specific problems that will occur in the run-down , such as the expansion of the former military hospital at Dharan .
4 Often it is necessary to start activity with some contrived problems that restrict demand on the pupil , ie , only a narrow range of techniques and knowledge is involved , while the presentation level will depend on the group 's ability .
5 The techniques may also circumvent impotence and some other problems that prevent normal intercourse followed by conception .
6 I wonder whether it might be useful to get somebody in from social services side anyway to help to identify some other problems that I 'm having
7 While this is often true , we must recognise that there are several quite serious theoretical problems that should be considered .
8 James faced such intractable problems that after a few months he nearly quit .
9 Inflation has been at the root of many of the worst economic problems that we have faced , and was certainly at the root of the problems in pre-war Germany , to which the right hon. Gentleman referred .
10 In addition to these particular problems that seem to require pragmatic solutions , there are also a number of general motivations for the development of pragmatic theory .
11 Given the long-standing behavioural problems that the pupils attending these sites have set the teaching staff in schools , how is it that they can be brought together in a seemingly improbable admixture with the results , orderly and controlled , as described above ?
12 all these massive problems that end result .
13 The three main problems that affect investors ' confidence in the stock market are market manipulation ( as in the Guinness affair ) , insider dealing ( Geoffrey Collier , Ivan Boesky ) , and investment fraud ( Barlow Clowes , Dunsdale ) , all of which are supposed to be eliminated ( or at least limited ) under the investor protection rules of the Financial Services Act 1986 .
14 Finally , attention will focus on island communities in the developing world where land-use has created specific environmental problems that are frequently related to watershed abuse .
15 One of Stirling 's problems was that he was not content to let others do the raiding from time to time , though he had proved his own courage and nobody would have thought the worse of him had he decided to concentrate on sorting out the many administrative problems that beset L Detachment .
16 It is often observed in helping those with complex personal problems that childhood and adolescent experiences are the most important in understanding adult difficulties .
17 Over in Italy , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA is less directly affected by the abrupt change in status of all things IBM — it only markets Hitachi 's plug-compatible mainframes , but it has so many other problems that that is little compensation .
18 Even if the building is in poor repair , modern building techniques are able to solve many structural problems that were deemed insoluble some years ago .
19 In passing our studies have helped to clear up some of the outstanding biological problems that underlie the reproductive biology of Bufo bufo , such as why it is that the males so greatly outnumber the females , and why they are smaller .
20 A group of East German trade unionists complained yesterday to the main trade union federation that the official media dismissed or ignored ‘ fundamental political problems that are upsetting the workers ’ .
21 The extent of any initial technical problems that will arise will depend upon the drafting of the enabling legislation , and the good sense of those who must interpret it .
22 Briant 's work throws up considerable ethical problems that must be explored .
23 Bondi says , ‘ The unique geophysical situation of the Grytviken ( South Georgia ) Faraday and Halley ( both Antarctica ) bases provide opportunities to investigate scientifically exciting and fundamental atmospheric problems that can not be studied elsewhere . ’
24 Quite the opposite : the solution is to make every effort to extend new scientific procedures into the deeper reaches of human nature in order to provide solutions to those residual problems that continue to defy simple economic and technological solution .
25 He went on : ‘ From our first corporate audit , we have been aware of the need to reflect adequately the particular constraints and practical day-to-day problems that many regions experience in the fields of HSE compliance .
26 To better understand and service your needs , we make a special effort to answer all of our customers ' questions and to help them with any technical problems that may be related to MiLAN products .
27 House officers should have named educational supervisors , usually their consultants , who ensure that the educational objectives of the year are met and help with any personal problems that may arise .
28 The resource person helps the group with any linguistic problems that arise .
29 May we never become so wrapped up in our own trivial problems that we forget to care about anyone else .
30 So , by staying alive until that date , you can look forward to a substantial return on your investment — while remaining safe in the knowledge that , in the event of your death during that period , or subsequently , your family will be protected against any financial problems that might lie ahead .
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