Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be free " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , it felt weak and wrong to be free and still take the Men 's food .
2 I dread to think who Uncle Joe had transferred his twisted ‘ affections ’ to , but at the time , I was just relieved to be free of his attentions .
3 While Prince Charles must be relieved to be free of a marriage which had become a sham , he , his family and in the end the British Government have met Diana 's terms .
4 She ought to be relieved to be free of his company for a while .
5 Patrick Murphy said last night he was angry about his treatment by police but was delighted to be free .
6 I am glad to be free again .
7 Oliver was very glad to be free of Mrs Mann 's violence , but he said nothing because she was angrily shaking her finger at him .
8 They were glad to be free of the flatboat and the smell of death that had been with them ever since the battle .
9 Corbett enjoyed the walk , glad to be free of the baleful , mournful atmosphere at Godstowe .
10 He was glad to be free of Godstowe and the cloying , hidden menace which seemed to permeate the place like sane unwholesome stench .
11 A whimper escaped from his lips , glad to be free .
12 I took his word for it and we left , glad to be free of the ghastly place .
13 In a daze of ever-increasing passion , she barely noticed as he gently removed her clothes , suddenly glad to be free of them and astonished to find herself revelling in his softly whispered murmurs of delight , the fierce gleam in his grey eyes , before first his fingers and then his lips began tracing patterns of fire on her quivering flesh .
14 A woman is not fit to be free .
15 Legally and socially , no country on earth tries so hard to be free of racism .
16 If education is supposed to be free , then educational materials should also be free .
17 Because constituency boundaries are fixed on the basis of figures produced by the Registrars General , these officers are not subject to ministerial control and their publications are more likely to be free of such problems .
18 The long years he spent absorbed in working for the abolition of untouchability and for the reconciliation of Muslim and Hindu , and in innumerable projects of village uplift , testified not only to his genuine goodness but also to the strength of his desire to make India , in the eyes of its alien rulers as well as his own , worthy to be free .
19 ‘ I thought it would be good to be free to get on with my own affairs , ’ she said , ‘ but I suffered quite severe depression .
20 Brightness is too famous to be free
21 They are used to all sorts of emergencies , but there has never been anything like this : their own people , prepared to face appalling hardships , possible arrest or even death to get out , arriving exhausted but so happy to be free .
22 He is first and foremost a brilliant engineer and he is happy to be free to concentrate on research and development while I get on with marketing . ’
23 It can be argued that it is a citizen 's right to be free to collect information about whatever and whoever he likes and to do it in any way which is not intrusive or injurious .
24 I consoled myself ; for if it is not possible to be free , perhaps to be hidden is the next best thing , and Lili 's presence gave me , as the hours went by , the feeling that I was growing less visible .
25 Surely he 'd be so grateful to be free of her that he 'd agree ?
26 Lord , I was pleased to be free of the place , following the white beaten track first west around London , then south across the downs to Dover .
27 Living with him had made her feel middle-aged , yet she was still only twenty-two , and it was wonderful to be free again .
28 ‘ It felt so wonderful to be free , ’ she says .
29 He 'd run away repeatedly as he 'd got older , never with anywhere to go but just anxious to be free of the confining walls and restrictive atmosphere .
30 He was best to be free of the humiliations and the uncertainties of the farm .
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