Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] can see " in BNC.

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1 Any half-blind booby can see it makes no sense .
2 But even the most mercenary of foreign firms grows a little queasier about trading with a regime which shoots dead its citizens , and then tries to score popularity points by offering convict labour to foreign factories ; and even the most unreconstructed optimist can see that the resurgence of hard-line Marxists in the Peking power structure is likely to militate against further free-market reforms .
3 All this Abudah can see by the grace of the Genius of Riches , exotic spirit of James Ridley 's ornate imagination .
4 Those who would like to check the validity of this view can see his portrait in the church at Arona or , more spectacularly , visit the colossal statue to him that stands a little to the north of the town .
5 1 Where do we first learn about Auntie 's excellent eye-sight ? 2 Where do we first learn that Auntie can see into the future ? 3 How do we know that Auntie did not see the fire at the office block where she used to work ? 4 What exactly did Auntie foresee on the last afternoon of her life ? 5 Why did Auntie save Billy 's life , even though she knew that she herself would die ?
6 That fireman can see them ca n't he Dave ?
7 This part of the ‘ window ’ can be used for long-range scrying ; a character looking into it and willing himself to see a far-distant scene can see into an elliptical area bounded by Middenheim to the north , Nuln to the south , some 25 miles west of Altdorf , and to around 100 miles east along the River Talabec out of Altdorf .
8 And if the faint heart should quail at this then think of the children being sexually exploited in the Philippines and Thailand where the Western male consumer can see the misery behind his gratification but still can not resist .
9 Chairman , instead of primarily addressing the issues of overspending on the education budget and the future of the elderly persons ' homes and also the securing of a secure unit these are pushed into second place when the Labour group can see the opportunity of headline grabbing and satisfying their overriding need to tell everyone how to live .
10 In a typical three-hour exposure , one of its two photoelectric spectrometers can produce detailed spectra of stars as faint as the human eye can see .
11 The national press can see him any time .
12 The Egyptian deliverance has the sprinkling of blood on the lintels of the doors so that the avenging angel can see the blood and ‘ pass over ’ it ( Exodus 12.13 ) .
13 poor dog can see the rabbit now .
14 Kings of the Kop they once were — the two greatest players ever to wear Liverpool 's No 7 shirt — but neither man can see the relevance of their past to today 's game .
15 The top figure denotes the distance from the chart ( 6m ) and the lower figure the distance at which the subject with normal vision can see the letters .
16 Children may sometimes be unaware that their own sight is changing , or indeed of what people with normal vision can see .
17 To help out , the second player holds up the mirror so that the first player can see his reflection .
18 Even the bloody maid can see through me .
19 But it is for you already , any fool can see you 're in no shape to continue .
20 Any fool can see it 's not genuine laughter — being grossly exaggerated , and ridiculously forced — but , always , she wins the attention of my parents , regardless .
21 They think the matter of their sex makes them my superior when any fool can see … ’
22 Nevertheless , as this case illustrates , there are certain minimum findings and reasons which must be stated so that the parties and the appellate court can see how the justices have approached their task .
23 The more that a young horse can see and do , therefore , the better .
24 Cell biologists , Drs Andrew Sincock and Jeff Middleton at Queen Elizabeth College in London can now identify potentially malignant ( cancer-causing ) cells in cervical smears months or even years before a skilled pathologist can see structural abnormalities in the cells .
25 So I feel that even the South African Government can see itself that it 's over now .
26 A scientist I know is amazed how often his eight year-old son can see immediately through a tangle of ideas in a problem — the directness and uncomplicatedness and openness of the child is a huge asset which many adults have lost .
27 That white can see , by looking at other whites , that he is capable of success in lots of different ways .
28 further east , the border area with Russia is an interesting area , particularly within the Øvre Pasvik National Park where the quiet visitor can see brown bear and elk .
29 You 're a failure as a home-maker , mother , superwoman , as Eagle Eyes from next door can see for herself .
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