Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] of central " in BNC.

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1 As well as the intense flower fragrances of the South of France , he used cardamom from India and Sri Lanka , the frankincense resin from south Arabia , the rare Yuzu lemon from Japan with its wonderfully refreshing combination of lemon and lime , patchouli , sandalwood and the whole spicy spectrum of Central America .
2 It would combine a broad measure of central planning with a great deal of autonomy for individual enterprises , which would be self-financing and interconnected through a market .
3 About 75 per cent of homes in the UK have some kind of central heating .
4 An increase in the real money supply can be brought about by the far more direct route of central bank intervention to increase the nominal stock of money by an amount sufficient to attain full employment .
5 That is absolutely appalling and it is a direct result of central government policy in reducing the level of grant which has come to support housing in Oxford City .
6 To many in the industry , unused to this degree of central policy making and coordination , the luxuriant growth of committees seemed to represent an unholy conspiracy of bureaucracy rather than real organisational requirements .
7 Given , as we have already implied , that pertinent external information might be acquired and stored in any functional or operational unit throughout the firm , if there is not some degree of central coordination , how can we ensure that information received from the environment in unit A is readily available and usable in unit B ?
8 The recent development of cooperatives in Greece has been seriously hindered by a high degree of central control ; there may be a danger that similar problems will arise in Italy .
9 Equally , so-called autonomous bodies are subject to a high degree of central government control .
10 Finally , the tripartite system of accountability is ‘ amenable to a high degree of central influence and control ’ , but operates as a bipartite structure with ‘ occasional genuflections towards the local authority ’ ( Uglow , 1988:130 ) .
11 Though in fact the development did not proceed , the use of the SDO procedure for such a purpose involved a high degree of central involvement in local planning decisions .
12 It was encouraging that during many permutations and re-appraisals of the project , and a protracted consultation period , that Glasgow consistently came out as the most cost-effective location for this type of central administration function .
13 If , as HM Inspectorate argue , the recommendations they make are not binding upon the LEA then this may represent an acceptable blend of central and local control .
14 At present the pattern of weathering in small mammals is compared to that of large mammals ( Table 1.3 ) , with stage 1 weathering reached in 18 to 29 months ( plus 24 months in the pellet ) in the prevailing wet climate of central Wales , and stage 2 weathering still progressing after 36 to 48 months ( again with the addition of 24 months in the pellet ) .
15 This has changed only a little over the years , but more recently the need for some sort of central policy for the area has increased .
16 Of necessity , therefore , the larger , more sophisticated structures had to occupy whatever land was available , unless they were specifically imposed upon the plan by official action or were grouped together to form some sort of central focus within the layout .
17 I mean if you had some sort of central area to put things in .
18 But just days before this edition of Central 's Pot of Gold was broadcast , 2 members of the band — 28-year-old Dee Miller and 30-year-old Rose Patterson — were killed in an accident of the M4 motorway near Swindon .
19 Does he agree , however , that what my local authority wants is a wider authority for strategic services , for the delivery of those services , and that local authorities can group themselves as they see fit in providing what may be different services , but that what the hon. Gentleman wants is another tier of central Government , which will impose on the regions what central Government do ?
20 The best access from this area of central Dalmatia to the upper course of the Cetina in Sinjsko Polje is from the coast at Split via Solin ( Salona ) and the steep defile at Klis .
21 Unfortunately , due to the troubled times in this area of central Europe , little survives of early Gothic building ; the great Czech monuments of the Middle Ages are of the fourteenth and fifteenth century , and even later , and are , in consequence , in the richer , more decorative Gothic style .
22 At the Conservative Party conference in October 1988 Mrs Thatcher stated : ‘ We have n't worked all these years to free Britain from the paralysis of socialism only to see it creep in through the back door of central control and bureaucracy from Brussels ’ .
23 It was also estimated that 60 per cent of the fruit and vegetable crop had been lost , although this could be blamed in part on almost continuous rain between late August and October in the main vegetable-growing belt of central European Russia , Byelorussia and the north Ukraine , with the result that crops had rotted in waterlogged fields .
24 What is essential to this mode is that each country should communicate via some agency of central government located in that part of the state 's apparatus which is concerned with the administration of justice .
25 This brief résumé of methods of allocation omits an important area which is rarely controlled through financial allocation , yet which certainly needs to be subjected to some form of central control .
26 We have dealt at some length with these important , if abortive , proposals because they throw a great deal of light on the complexities surrounding the financial control and management of public sector higher education and because they have influenced the subsequent debate concerning the need for some form of central control .
27 Equally significant for the small towns is the existence of some form of central core within the plan , whether administrative , official , socio-economic or religious , around which the other elements are clearly structured .
28 This version of Central Point Backup has been specially designed for Windows users .
29 Data on social background of central committee full members was collected on WordPerfect and Paradox databases .
30 If the police authority was invited to co-opt people to add to their numbers , making sure that the majority still stayed with the councillors , then I do n't think one should have too much objection to it , but if it 's to be done in this er this way of central er of central allocation er in the form of the answer to the question to my noble friend Lord Lyle from my noble friend the Minister on the 17th of January which the Noble Lord , Lord Carrigan made reference in which these people are to be er i i it staggers me my Lord , I have to stop for the moment , it staggers me the er the insolence , the insolence of the Home Office in writing down job descriptions and personal profiles for people that are going to function locally .
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