Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] as yet " in BNC.

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1 The dynamics of history are such that one nation 's strength is another 's weakness ; nothing is constant ; both strength and weakness may be part of some process as yet unrevealed .
2 The top 150 families of Bordeaux in 1848 included ninety businessmen ( merchants , bankers , shopowners , etc. , though in this town as yet few industrialists ) , forty-five owners of property and rentiers and fifteen members of the liberal professions , which were , of course , in those days , varieties of private enterprise .
3 He now meets the Scottish champion as yet unknown at Gateshead , while the other English winner at Bletchley , Donovan Holness , who beat Bristol 's Kasiena Oputu , meets the Welsh champion .
4 The possibility that these momentarily high pressures may damage jointed rocks can not be ignored , but there is , curiously enough , no direct evidence as yet that actual damage has been caused by waves of this type .
5 However , there is little direct evidence as yet on how such schemes actually affect workers ' attitudes to the company performance .
6 Conditions at the centre of the black hole ( r = O ) can not be described in any sensible manner as yet .
7 Sceptics greeted this news as yet more ‘ empty words ' ( konghua ) .
8 Taking the radical students ' ideals at face-value one might have expected them to see this incident as yet another example of oppression by a fascist regime and protest against it — after all , they protested enough when it used such methods against its own people .
9 ‘ For some reason as yet unknown , the place got dangerous and the body had to be hidden until it could be buried . ’
10 But here , guarded by the elegant whorls and bars of wrought iron , was another world as yet uncontaminated .
11 This produced a tactical problem as yet unknown .
12 Empirically based hypotheses were subject to revision ; for , as he put it himself , the facts might be explained in another way as yet unknown to men .
13 So you 're working on it some stage as yet ?
14 ‘ A vague suspicion as yet but I tell you this : if the murderer strikes again , it will be against us , Roger , so be on your guard ! ’
15 Engineers have tried to mechanise other forms of fishing — for tuna and bonito — without much success as yet .
16 ‘ I rang them first thing , but no one fitting your description has been reported missing anywhere in the entire country as yet .
17 Its estimates of job losses in the ferry ports are still broadly accepted although there is little evidence of much decline as yet .
18 They have been working in small groups to show the lives of a small rural town as yet unconnected to the railway .
19 It was a beginning , but 1815 was reached with not much to acclaim in day-school provision for working-class children and with no national policy as yet in prospect .
20 The appeal of military titles , which occur freely among the early British railway executives and managers of large port undertakings , did not rest on pride in the hierarchies of soldiers and officials , such as the Germans felt , but on the inability of private enterprise as yet to devise a specific form of management for big business .
21 Nothing to drink all morning as yet .
22 Organiser Kevin Horton said there was plenty more support as yet untapped .
23 Hong Kong 's Legislative Council as yet has no directly-elected seats .
24 ‘ Although I 'm very far from being a rich man as yet , ’ Harry said with a smile , ‘ by Mum 's and Dad 's standards I am .
25 The only scholar as yet to have followed this scent is Tom Paulin in his Thomas Hardy ; The Poetry of Perception ( Totowa , New Jersey , 1975 ) .
26 There is no general evidence as yet to link second home ownership with house price increases ( de Vane 1975 ) , but in local instances this has undoubtedly happened on a property-for-property basis , and it is easy to be convinced that dire housing consequences can come about for the ‘ traditional ’ rural population .
27 There was a great deal of encouragement and a helping hand for those finding it tough , mixed in with an occasional piece of mild blasphemy as yet another pilgrim went sprawling on the wet peat .
28 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang as singles players , but neither has made quite the same impact as yet .
29 As juniors the two American teenagers were mentioned in the same breath as Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , but neither has made the same impact as yet .
30 NEC Corp distributor Trident International ( represented in Russia by Trident A/O ) , is to open a Radio Shack retail outlet in Moscow , the first of its kind in Russia : it will sell NEC computers , consumer electronics , Trident and IBM Corp computers ; the shop will be on Leninsky Prospect ; no precise address as yet .
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