Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to remember [is] " in BNC.

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1 Another point to remember is that flowers will wilt badly , or even die , if they are left sitting in a hot car or office all day , so if you have to buy them hours before they will be pressed , put them in plenty of water as soon as possible or , better still , buy them on your way home and then they can be pressed fairly quickly .
2 Another point to remember is that if all four pictures are to sit comfortably together in the overall design , then all the material used should be of roughly the same size .
3 Another point to remember is that when weak-form words whose spelling begins with ‘ h ’ ( e.g. ‘ her ’ , ‘ have ’ ) occur at the beginning of a sentence , the pronunciation is with initial h , even though this is usually omitted in other contexts .
4 The chief thing to remember is that all these soups — unless otherwise specified — must be made with plain water .
5 ‘ The constant battle to remember 's a bit draining . ’
6 A useful rule to remember is that a diagonal line between opposite corners of any rectangle is the longest dimension available .
7 Right , so that 's all we want to look at with regards learning styles I think the key thing to remember is that we must n't fall into the trap , because it 's our learning style if we actually put together our training which reflects our style .
8 Knowing which type of memory you require is a matter of experience , but a good thing to remember is that most computers have 640K of base memory — even though they state 1 meg — and that most programs now require at least 530K of this to operate properly .
9 The point is I think that the prime thing to remember is that the the the the s the customers in the coffee rooms are not necessarily customers in the cinema .
10 An important point to remember is that a widow may be able to use her late husband 's NI contributions to boost the amount she receives .
11 Apart from the dimensions and shape of the pot , an important point to remember is that whatever the colour or decoration on the outside of the pots or jars used for potted meats , the inside should be of a pale colour and preferably white , so that the delicate creams and pinks of the contents with their layer of yellow butter look fresh and appetizing against their background .
12 An important point to remember is that spiders need damp conditions at all times , so put the cage where it will not tend to dry out .
13 But the important point to remember is that we do not observe these sociolinguistic patterns directly : it is the speech of individuals in conversational settings that we observe and describe , and it is by analysing a large quantity of spoken language from many speakers that we can then demonstrate the patterns that emerge from our data .
14 The important point to remember is that all the sub-units are needed if the production function is to meet its aim of providing the goods required by its customers , and to do so in a way that meets the profit , growth and other objectives of the organization as a whole .
15 The important point to remember is that each unit within an NVQ has to be individually assessed at work or in a realistic work environment [ a college restaurant , for example ] so that the trainee proves he or she can do the job .
16 Also , an important point to remember is that domestic ovens used in a commercial environment will not be covered by the manufacturer 's guarantee .
17 Er I think er the important point to remember is that all of these er benefits and dis-benefits were I do n't have the
18 An important point to remember is that in the Keynesian model , the equilibrium level of income is not necessarily the same as the full employment level of income .
19 An important point to remember is that the size of the multiplier depends on the marginal propensities to save and import .
20 The important experimental point to remember is that dust will also scatter light and contribute to the scattering intensity .
21 The most important factor to remember is to think or allow .
22 The important thing to remember is that it does n't matter in the slightest what this garment looks like , as long as it boasts practicality and water-resistant qualitites .
23 The most important thing to remember is that a foal should get adequate colostrum from the mare in the first four to eight hours of life .
24 The important thing to remember is that we should all be seeking to eat more of the right kinds of food ( foods with health and nutritional properties ) rather than seeking to fit in with someone else 's ideal consumer .
25 In all your efforts to help her at this crucial time the most important thing to remember is to try to reduce her anxiety by being as relaxed and quietly optimistic about her future as you can , and to restrain her from making any major decisions hastily , regarding such matters as the disposal of property or moving house , as she may regret this later on when she is feeling less depressed .
26 The important thing to remember is that climate is influenced by events above and below the Earth .
27 The important thing to remember is that wherever we find a minor 7th chord in any key ( major or minor ) we also have a minor pentatonic scale .
28 The important thing to remember is that you control your attitude .
29 Abby Knight , a health and beauty writer and expert in skin and hair care , replied : ‘ Yes , there are exercises that tauten facial muscles but the most important thing to remember is not to pull the face into contortions that are not natural to you .
30 An important thing to remember is that it is very hard to get HIV .
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