Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] off that " in BNC.

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1 You got ta get that roof off that erm jeep though .
2 And I 'm sending all this lot off that did n't get sent off , and contacting I 'm being contacted about the place .
3 Du n no some go off that way
4 In my , in my day probably someone did it a little bit off that , different
5 ‘ It was extremely dangerous because there would then have been another , hundred-foot drop off that cliff , ’ said stunt arranger Stuart Fell .
6 But , unfortunately , I believe we are quite a long way off that outcome at present .
7 Well it 's gon na be a long time off that yet , another half an hour
8 You can take that rubbish off that chair and wipe it , will you ? ’
9 Goes to get the flexible hose off that was ruddy frozen , you the , the union ?
10 Twisting into the first side street and then a smaller street off that and along its full length he ran and ran as fast as his legs would carry him .
11 Can I take that plaster off that one ?
12 And last Sunday had been Clare 's birthday , and Clare 's only day off that week .
13 He took a front page off that .
14 The church took its name from that of an older church a little way off that was demolished to make way for the ramparts of the Porta Romana in 1532 .
15 If I 'd have took that icing off that cake was as moist as anything , I could have re-marzipanned that
16 So we 've been starting on the , but this is a bit of a shame though because , what I like , when we , when we , when we have our three days off , it 's nice to know on your , on your last day off that still have a late night because your not back to work until the afternoon you know .
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