Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] around " in BNC.

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1 Banners of different colours , scarlet , red , green and blue , hung from the hammer-timbered roof whilst around the church were carved statuettes of the most breathtaking beauty depicting the Virgin Mary , St Joseph , St Patrick , and the whole heavenly host .
2 No matter how much we do in developing our own media projects in this continent and around the world , we will still only be one small voice in the vast ocean of communication media .
3 The same went for the glass underfoot ; another half-metre of water lay underneath the transparent slabs which made up the floor , gurgling under the scratched surface and around the slaty pedestals supporting the columns above .
4 I mentioned at the start of this address that around the fire Joseph and Mary and their children would have gathered for fun and fellowship .
5 The peace and tranquility of the Norfolk countryside make me realise how fortunate we are , and all the more conscious of the trials and sorrows that so many people are suffering both in this country and around the world .
6 But his work with the London Free School and around the early days of the UFO club , indicated the change in his priorities since Centre 42 and CND .
7 Muscles of the perineal region and around the urethra then contract spasmically , causing the penis to pulsate and ejaculate the seminal fluid .
8 They were gathered in the High Street and around the market place , but could not compete with the standard of living of those at the upper end of the social scale in the county towns and old corporate boroughs .
9 Around two thirds of the mobile increased their social class while around one third moved downward .
10 Minor synsedimentary Pb-Zn mineralisation occurs in the early Carboniferous of the Craven Basin and around the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary in South-west England .
11 The building does not construct modern office space behind a retained facade but around it .
12 An optical fibre uses total internal reflection to carry a light beam over long distance and around corners .
13 Most of the lunar highlands are close to being saturated with impact craters , notably on most of the far side and around the south pole ( Figure 6.1 ) .
14 In all these cases extrathyroidal fibrosis , in the retroperitoneal space and around the biliary tree , seemed more sensitive to steroid treatment than thyroiditis , which showed an unpredictable response .
15 The touching up had been well managed but elsewhere there remained a few patches of exposed metal requiring attention — just above the bumper on the front offside wing , inside the wheelarch of the same wing and around the radiator duct .
16 His flesh was soft ; a badly-fitting mask that around the eyes showed a moist pink edge .
17 Most produce was consumed locally , but the cash market gradually expanded , especially in the Low Country and around towns .
18 Crouching behind some railway trucks the commandos formed a tiny perimeter facing the Old Mole 's landward side and around the buildings just south of the Entrance .
19 He is wearing a blue tunic and around his shoulders is a fur cloak made of the skins of the hyrax .
20 These are informal liturgies organised for a special occasion or around a particular theme .
21 It is set apart a little from Barnham Junction , where the trains for Bognor Regis leave the main line and around which has grown an early suburbia on the flat lands near the sea .
22 The spines are situated on the dorsal fin and around the head and it is all too easy to step on them by mistake .
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