Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [pron] gave " in BNC.

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1 I complained to Northumbrian Water about this and they gave me a very dusty answer .
2 We concluded by singing the carol O Come all ye Faithful and I gave them a blessing .
3 ‘ He was very candid and he gave me the benefit of his thinking about a lot of things , ’ Clinton told reporters after leaving the White House .
4 Erm I 'm not saying that er there were n't problems in security and using public transport and fear of using public transport after dark , but we were quite surprised that compared with the rest of the U K it was erm not acceptable but it gave us an indication on , on where to go from there on , erm and also I think er the important factor that in the lower in Strathclyde that we 've actually consulted women in terms of er what they want and what they need er in the transport world erm in public transport and that 's not lip service we 've actually had discussions groups and that information has been fed into the large erm public transport review that were undertaking at the present time .
5 I got out of the car and ran to my front door , my mum answered the door , she looked quite different but I gave her a massive cuddle and went indoors .
6 The sobs were uncontrollable and she gave a long piteous cry .
7 He was utterly amiable and without vice and he gave off a constant aura not merely of noxious vapours but of bonhomie .
8 At the time Lady Moon , 54 , said : ‘ It was all so easy and it gave me a hell of a buzz , better than drugs .
9 His mouth hardened and he gave a laugh .
10 His jacket was flame-proofed and we gave him protective padding at the back , just in case . ’
11 The depiction of the Legion itself might not have been truly authentic but what gave Black Legion much of its initial impact was that the story with all its political message and melodrama was very firmly set in a very real community of American working men .
12 He came in with the ideas , give the drivers and conductors everything they asked for whereby my training had always been to only give them what they were really entitled to , not give them anything extra but he gave them the earth and that erm did n't sort of go very well for the new Manager who came in , he had a lot of undoing to do there , that this fella had given away , in his six or seven weeks there .
13 I was feeling low and I gave in to a mad impulse . ’
14 Er the butty paid you , you see , out of his tin , what he thought fit and he gave me ten shillings for the first one I done , first day I done , and I told me Dad when I got home , he says , Ten shillings ?
15 I felt ill and someone gave me some DFs and I felt better .
16 Mrs Chamberlin has more than a dozen and she gave me such beautiful eggs to bring home .
17 His eyes were black and expressionless and he gave her no more than one probing glance before turning away .
18 In on the fourteenth of July of nineteen ninety three the defendant took out a summons with a view to having all the outstanding matters resolved and er this summons came before erm deputy master on the twelfth of August nineteen ninety three and he gave various directions including an enquiry in relation to how the surgery premises er ought to be dealt with as in court in the winding up of the partnership and that matter went before Mr Justice long in December and he decided those issues and gave directions in relation to and how the premises are to be sold , the effect of the directions very vaguely , is that the premises have to be offered to the partners , if only one of the partners shows any interest then there is provision in the relevant deed for ascertaining the price and this is put to that partner at that price , if more than one partner wishes to buy the premises then there is provision for a fixing of a minimum figure and then each of the partners has to put in sealed offers er and the premises will be sold to the partner , the former partner who put in the last offer , that broadly speaking I think is the substance of Mr Justice order .
19 She dug it in deeper and it gave a horrific screech .
20 He was right but she gave no hint .
21 It was dead right but it gave me a tough act to follow and only Joyce 's famous ‘ George , do n't do that ’ would fit the bill .
22 Although momentarily tempted by the seductively rich chocolate dessert Sabrina 's willpower held firm and she gave it to Graham .
23 It did n't seem my sort of thing at all and I gave Harvey a glance to indicate it .
24 Anthony Crosland and his wife Susan arrived at 5.30 and we gave a dinner party for them with Harry and Mary Judge from Banbury Grammar School and Richard and Ann Hartree …
25 I said that 's he went to this party and he he was like really hard and he was really drunk and he gave Scott , Noel and Ian a love bite like for a joke !
26 Her eyes drifted shut and she gave herself up to the kiss 's magic , her own lips even more gentle and tentative than his .
27 But they were very kind and they gave me a part in this play , it was called Tilly of Bloomsbury .
28 The doors to the three lavatories were open and she gave them a quick inspection .
29 She studied his face a moment longer but it gave nothing away .
30 yeah , I got f I got , my total marks I could 've got was fifty eight and I got fifty four and she gave me a C and she said must improve your marks .
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